The ceremony

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Ever since I shifted I have kept to my self my two best friends don't talk to me anymore I think they only hung around me cause they felt sorry for me, so all I have done is my work duties, schools, house work and been beaten many times, gee has also cut me along my wrists but they are perfect lines so I doesn't even look I done it so it so stupid, if I had done it they would be a bit rough

Time skip two weeks
So today is the day I finials break free from this life, I have no idea where I will go but I will keep walking until I find a town I may stay human for a bit to get some money and let me wolf out once a week,

" Izzy get your sorry lazy ass out of bed and start work there is a lot to do today before the ceremony" Alpha Thomas shouts at me making me come out of my day dream when I look at the clock it is only 4am, I usually don't start till 5.30, as I jump into the shower I only take 5 minutes as he doesn't allow me to have hot water so it's freezing, once I'm out I dry my hair stick it in a messy bun, I have bright blond hair that goes down to my waist with beach waves, so girls in the pack use to say how they would love my hair, and my eyes are blue like the colour of the sky, if I wasn't so skinny I would be the perfect person, but seen as only allowed to eat every few days I am all skin and bones when I take my top off you can see all my ribs you can even count then when I breath in a little, it look horrible.
Once I have finished and dressed in my uniform the consist of a white fitted shirt that is a few sizes to big for me and a knee high skirt with black flats, this is what I have to wear all day cause of the ceremony, Alpha Thomas doesn't want me to go change before hand.
As I make my way upstairs Gee comes down and trips me up, I end up cutting my knee but keep walking,
As I reach the top floor of the pack house o knock on the Alphas door and wait for him to answer or open it, he doesn't so I knock again with that the door flys open and I'm face to face with a very angry Alpha when I look at his eyes I can see they have turned back which means his wolf is in controls and he growls " what the hell do you want" when I look up again his eyes turn back to the normal colour " I want you in the ball room putting up the decorations sorting out the tables, putting everything on them I want it perfect by 5pm you got it" I just nod at him so he knows I understand as I'm about to leave he grabs my wrist that hard it starts turning red and a bruise starts to appear almost instantly " if you fail to have it done by 5 then what Gee and Zach did to you will be a lot worse as they will have all the power and can get rid of you, do you understand runt"
I nod once again and walk down to the ball room.
As I enter the all room it's a mess everything is every where the tables aren't even in the right place this is going to be a long day I think to myself

Rose: it sure is but we can do it just think at 8 once everything is done and they are drinking and pre occupied we can leave.

Me: I can't wait well I best get started seen as I am the only one doing any work

As I have moved the the tables and chairs to the right place which take a couple of hours when I look at my watch I see it's 8 in the morning, it took longer then I though but that's okay, I start putting the white table cloths down on each table before I put the different colour Lilys on each table, I don't think they are a good flower they always remind of funerals but Gee chose them maybe that's a sign that once her and Zach take over it will be the end of there pack, I wouldn't be so lucky I bet I will get worse with them in charge they will be harsh leaders, once the flowers are done I move on to the plates and cutlery.
Just as I sat down Alpha Thomas walks in and sees me sat on a chair with a glass of water, as soon as I see him my mouth drops and I go pale he walks over to me and I swear I can see the steam coming out of his ears, he picks me up by the throat and walks over to the wall " how dare you sit down on the job you are only half way done an lid you only have 2 hours left this best be perfect for my princess" I try clawing at his hand as I was seeing black dots but it's no use " next time think before you sit you filthy ass down on my chairs" with that he drops me and walks off leaving me coughing and gasping for air,
I rush round and finally finish everything for 2 minutes to spare.

Me: Rose that was close I didn't think I would make it

Rose: me either sorry for the little faith

Me: it's okay I still love you

Rose: love you to human izzy

Just as I put everything away Alpha Thomas walks in and inspects the work he looks a little socked, he though I was going to fail he doesn't look impressed that I did it
" So Izzy who did you have help you hey, there is no way you did it by yourself"
I just looked at him, I don't see why he still asks my questions when he knows I don't speak
" come on answer me bitch" with that he raises his hand and back me across me face, so hard that I fall to the floor I hear a crack from my arm, which I think has broken from the impact os landing so hard I also got a cut on my lip as I can taste the blood I also bit my cheek on the inside so I have to swallow the blood from that, my face is stinging, I can't believe he just did that.
Ask I start to crawl away he grabs my ankle, I try to kick him away but he grabs the other and sits on top of me, I freeze it's like my worst nightmare, is he going to rape me in the middle of the ball room before everyone come, he hold my arms above my head and sniffs my neck with a big grin on his face, as he moves his mouth over to my ear he whispers " once I have finished with the ceremony I'm going to take you to my room and have so much fun with you, once I've finished I'm going to let the pack members have my way with you" he then kisses my ear and down my neck, I squirm under him trying to move but he seems to enjoy it.

Inappropriate chapter no sex is involved if you don't want to keep going till the next bold but of writing

With that he starts kissing my lips, taking both of my hand in one of his while the other start to move down my body felling my chest moving his hands over each of my breasts and I try to move he holds my wrists Harder and cups my breasts with more force, I want to scream but don't give him the satisfaction, his hand starts travelling to the buttons on my shirt he undoes them one by one once my shirt is open I close my eyes not wanting to look at what does next he moves his hand under my bra to feel my breast while kissing down my neck across my collar bone slowly making his way to my breasts my rips my bra off and my boobs spring free, "open your eyes" he asks using his Alpha tone so I do as he says while I look at him his eye show pure lust, he lets go of my wrists "keep you arms above your head" he growls as much as I want to move them I can't I'm frozen, while he grabs one breast in his hand cupping it his mouth moves over the other and he starts sucking my nipple making it go hard and he has a big grin on his face, he moves his mouth over to the breast and does the same thing his hand on my free one, his free hand stars traveling down my stomach he stops above the top of my skirt, he starts kissing down to my neck and mouth one hand cupping my breast the other moving down the length of skirt he stops and grabs my hand making my touch the bulge under his trousers

Normal scene
With that the door opens and the beta calls for the Alpha he whispers "keep quite and don't move until you hear the door shut or I will be even rougher with you later" he kisses my cheek and gets up. As I lay there I listen to there conversation
Alpha " what do you want I told you not to disturb me while I was checking everything"
Beta " sorry Alpha but it's almost time I though you would want to know, what were you doing on the floor anyway "
Alpha" that is none of your concern lets go "
As soon as I hear to door shut I escape through the back door lucky doing my shirt up once I reach my room I have a cold shower trying to wash the dirty felling off I only get out when my lips start to go blue, I get changed into skinny jeans and a baggy jumper with my coat and sit in my room waiting till 8, while I'm waiting I write two letters one to Zach and one to the Alpha once I have finished I put Zach's in his room and the Alphas in his office they won't find them for a few hours.

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