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Five thousand years ago... a fierce warrior known... as the Scorpion King... led a great army on a campaign... to conquer the known world.

A tall, strong young man walked across the desert. There were a lot of dead soldiers, his soldiers, on the ground at his feet.

After a vicious campaign which lasted seven long years... the Scorpion King and his army were defeated... and driven deep into the sacred desert of Ahm Shere.

After many great battles with the Egyptians, they would never see their homes in Akkadia again.

One by one, they slowly perished under the scorching sun... until only the great warrior himself was left alive.

But, the Scorpion King didn't die with his men because he wore the Bracelet of Anubis on his arm. He stopped and looked up into the sky.

"I am the Scorpion King!" he shouts, "Nobody can kill me!"

He walked away into the desert of Ahm Shere. The Scorpion King carried his knife in one hand. It felt heavy because he was very tired. Suddenly, he heard horses and looked upagain. He saw thousands of Egyptian soldiers on horseback. They wanted to kill the great king from Akkadia. They wanted to stop the battles. The Scorpion King was going to die. He looked at the sky.

Near death... the Scorpion King made a pact with the dark god Anubis...

"Anubis", he called to the great god of the dead, "please, hear me!Help me today, and I will build a great pyramid of gold for you. And,I will give you my life."

... that if Anubis would spare his life... and let him conquer his enemies... he would give him his soul.

The Scorpion King shouted loudly to the sky, but nobody answered him. The Egyptian soldiers were coming, his end was near.

Anubis accepted his offer and spared his life.

Then he felt something on his foot, it was a scorpion. The Scorpion King laughed and put the animal in his mouth. He ate the scorpion, and suddenly he was strong again. Around him the desert changed into green trees and blue water.

Anubis gave the Scorpion King command of his army...

Behind him he saw 10,000 soldiers with faces of dogs. They were the soldiers of Anubis, and now they were going to fight for him. Now they were his soldiers.

... and like an evil flood, they washed away... all that lay before them.

For the next year, the Scorpion King and the dog-face soldiers moved across Egypt and killed more and more Egyptians. Then at the end of the year, the Scorpion King took the city of Thebes.

When his task was done... Anubis forced the Scorpion King to serve him for all time.

Anubis was waiting for him.

"Your life is mine", Anubis said, "I want it today."

"What will happen to my soldiers?" the Scorpion King asked.

"You and these soldiers will leave this life. You will sleep for 6,000 years."

The Scorpion King felt very cold for a minute, and then he felt nothing, nothing for 6,000 years.

His army was returned to the sands from where they came... where they wait, silently... to be awakened once again.

People in Egypt told the story of the Scorpion King and the great pyramid of Anubis. In the Year of the Scorpion, they said, he and hissoldiers will wake up. They will begin their battles again, and this time they will kill everybody and everything. Somebody has to kill the Scorpion King, or the world will end. Many people knew the story, but nobody could find the desert of Ahm Shere. Nobody could find the Scorpion King and stop him.

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