5 (lemon)

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Madylinn's POV

I was squirming in pain. When I ran after Alex, I was shot in the side of one leg and between my waist and back.

'It hurts so much.'

"I know", Imothep said.

I opened my eyes and saw him leaning over me. I shot up and backed away disgusted and hissing in pain.

"Don't move too much. Otherwise it will bleed more. ... Here. Let me take care of your wounds."

He cut the fabric over my wound on the my injured leg and laid his hand over it. I hissed as I felt something moving. Just a few seconds later he lifted out a bullet. He threw it away and looked into my eyes, before setting me down on his lap. I tried to fight it, but he was stronger and I was getting weaker the more I tried to fight him. So I gave up for the moment and laid my head on his shoulder, when he cut open my top over my back. He pulled it more open and down my shoulders and arms so that my complete back was exposed and only my front was still covered. He laid his hand over this wound and pulled the bullet out like he did with my leg. I yelped in pain and wrapped one arm around Imothep's neck. I didn't want to do that because he's my enemy, but the pain was unbearable. My other hand dug its nails into his shoulder. He ran a wet cloth over my back injury. Then he let it run over my injured leg. When I didn't feel the cloth after a minute, I raised my head and looked him into his eyes.

"Ama-Nenet. It is time for you that you remember..."

In front of my inner eye, I saw something bright. It then changed into a picture in 1290 BC. The first picture was like my dream I had ten years ago.

I was walking through an ancient and bright corridor.


I turned around.

"My lady, your father wishes to speak with you."

I walked gracefully to the throne room were my father sat on the throne. Another person was standing in front of him. When the pharaoh saw me walking up, he stood and made his way over to me.

"My dear daughter, please greet Imothep, my high priest. And your future husband."

Imothep bowed, took my hand in his and kissed it.

"High priest Imothep."

"My lady."

The next few and small pictures were quite embarrassing. One was me in a pool with him, bathing. Then us both making love in my king sized bed. We were both completely naked and I heard every single sound we made. Then the next picture came. Two beautiful young women fought, and two important men watched them. At the end of the fight, the winner said:

"Ama-Nenet, you are stronger this time. Maybe one day, yon will win."

Ama-Nenet pulled of her mask and I saw that her face was the face of me.

"Thank you, Anck-su-namun. You can teach me many things when you are my mother", Ama-Nenet said.

She was the Pharaoh's daughter, and Anck-su-namun was his future wife.

Pharaoh's Daughter-The Mummy's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now