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But Alex couldn't help his parents again. He started to make another sand sculpture, but Lock-Nah saw it.

"Surprised to see me? Leaving bread crumbs, huh? You're a smart boy!" he said, and then he kicked the sculpture and lifted the boy up, "No more buildings!"

Madylinn's looked to her nephew with a scared look.

"Lock-Nah, put the boy down", Imothep said, "This time, I will give something to your parents."

Imhotep looked into the river and spoke in an old Egyptian language.
Suddenly, a large wall of water came out of the river. Izzy drove his balloon above the Nile, between two tall mountains. He heard a strange noise and looked up. Hut the sky was blue and the sun shone. Then he saw the wall of water.

"Everybody, we're in trouble!"

They saw the water, and Imhotep's face was in the middle of it.

"Horus, fly!"

"Shoot it!" Izzy cried.

"That won't help," said Rick, "I know this mummy. Come hard right! Starboard! Starboard!"

Izzy turned the balloon right, between two small mountains. The wall of water couldn't turn. It pushed down the middle of the Nile.

"Something you forgot to mention?" Izzy wanted to know.

After the water went past them, Jonathan said:

"People! Lookaround you!"

They were in a wonderful place with green trees and blue waters. There were fruit trees and flowers everywhere.

"Ahm Shere", Ardeth said very quietly.

"It is!" Rick said, "I can see the top of the gold pyramid behind those trees."

But suddenly, they heard the sound of the wall of water again.

"He's back!"

"Hang on!"

"Well, that's not good."

Before they could move, the water threw the balloon into a mountain.Then it moved away. The five wet people on the ground were tired, but they weren't dead.

"Izzy", Rick said, "we're gonna go get my son and Madylinn. Then we're gonna want to get out of here fast, so make this work, Izzy. Get this balloon ready. We'll have to leave quickly. And you three..."

Rick pointed to the Curator, Asmaa and Nasunah.

"... will stay here with him."

"But Rick ..."

"No 'buts'."

"You don't understand. This thing was filled with gas. Not hot air, gas. I need gas to get this thing in the air. Where am I gonna get gas around here? Bananas? Mangoes? Tarzan's ass? Maybe I could finagle it to take hot air. But do you know how many cubic meters I'd need? It's to big!" Izzy ranted.

"If anybody can fill this thing up with hot air, Izzy, it's you", Rick said, "This balloon has to fly again!"

"And we're helping you", Asmaa said.

"What???!!!" Nasunah exclaimed.

"Nasunah! You will help too and not just sit there on your lazy butt!"

Pharaoh's Daughter-The Mummy's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now