I love them to pieces ♡♥♡♥

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asia pov

so im in my room getting my stuff packed for our trip to Miami. im very excited because shania was going with us. I finish packing and went to pack ski things. I really dont know what it is but im starting to become a family person. I love ski and couture to death they are my birth sisters and no one can tell me anything other than that. I put our stuff in the truck and called shania while I helped couture packed all her damn shoes.

hey babe

hey I was telling you to make sure your ready we will be there in a few

alright and I told your mom that MacKenzie is coming so that ski has someone to play with

okay, I love you

I love you more bye


so about an hour later we were at the airport waiting at our terminal. we just played and joked around. my mom really loves shania like her own daughter.  I thought she would hate her but it turns out she doesnt. the lady on the speaker announced that flight 221095 will need to board the plane now. we gathered our things and boarded the plane. we sat in this order: MacKenzie n ski, couture n jacob, shania n me, and my mom n Shannon. we all slowly drifted to sleep.

an hour later -------couture pov

so we just landed we were getting off the plane heading to baggage claim. when we got there we had to wait in this long ass line. jacob and I were playing around until it was our turn to get our bags. when we got it we went outside and called a cab to take us to our hotel in south beach which should be an hour away from here. we took pictures of the things we past and just joked around. we pulled into the "sweat pillow" hotel and checked in. About two hours after packing out into our suite we got ready to go to the pool. I put on my black full body bathing suit. I got MacKenzie and ski dressed and me and jacob took them to the pool. I was surprised when my mom told me to invite him. so anyway I put the kids floats on and let them go. I jumped on Jacobs back he threw me into the water and we just played until I noticed asia and shania swallowing each other. it was just nasty. then I felt a pair of hands wrap around me.

hey babe

hi wass up

well I was thinking maybe we can have dinner at a restaurant I found

oh that sounds nice at what time

just be ready at 7:30


jacob pov

so about three hours after being at the pool I finally got home took a bath and now wait on babe to be finish getting dressed. me and shania our just waiting on them in the living room. when they come out we were just amazed. their mom took pictures as if we were going to prom. its like her mom accept me like her own. she treats me just like her own kids. im really happy to know that she was tripping like my ex parents. so me and baee were walking and taking.

so babe yuh gonna tell me were we going

nahh then it won't be a surprise

ughh  can yuh tell me how far it is

nahh just chill baee

okay (she says kissing him)

shania pov

Im so fucking pissed off. My mom just sat there while her boyfriend touched my little sister. I swear as soon as we get  back she wont have to deal with none of us. He fucking slapped my sister and she just sat there and laughed I swear I am going to hurt her and her boyfriend, but anyways to get my mind off of that I decided to take asia to the movies. We went to this movie theater called royal it seems to be a hang out spot for kids our age , but we went to see a kevin hart movie we laughed the whole time. but asia missed couture and wanted to go straight home after the movies. As we were walking home we talked, laughed,  and joked around. Just then we walked into the house and everyone was watching tv so we joined . It feels like a real family I just wish I could have that.

chantel pov

So I noticed that shania is looking kind of worried, hurt, mad, just everything in one. So I wanted to talk to her and find out what was the  matter.

shi can I talk to you outside please

yea sure (walking outside)

well I couldn't help but notice that you look sad, depressed, hurt,etc

well between me and you my mom (start tearing up) let her boyfriend touch MacKenzie and at this point when we get home im just going to pack our things and leave.Im tired of her dirty habits and this living style isn't good for MacKenzie and as her big sister I am going to do everything in my power to keep and safe and healthy.

Thats nice of you but I want to make you a deal

what is it

you and MacKenzie can live with us , but you have to continue to go to school and do your best and let me worry and stress about everything else.

You are like and angel and the mother I never had, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did and will continue to do for me and MacKenzie.

You are more than welcome swaet pea

after our little convo I feel like an weight has been lifted off my shoulder.  I feel happy and completed. I know people are wondering what im doing with 5 kids. My mother always took in kids since I was growing up.  She would love them like she loved me. Before she past away her last words to me were were "the greatest gift god can give you is life , blessings, and children who are your blessings"  ever since then I have been helping kids and taking care of all of them. I went to school got my education and my good paying job and now its time to teach my kids the same.


So how are seen you guys enjoying the story so far

what will happen when shania tell her mother she is taking MacKenzie and leaving

p.s sorry for the long wait on the update im trying my best to write two stories at the same time. .

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