Chapter 2

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Andy's POV

I woke up the next morning by CC calling me.

"Dude wake up!!" He said opening my curtain

"Ok ok i'm up are we there whet?" I ask getting up

"Almost only like 5 more minuts" he said and walk't away

I got up and wen't to the bathroom i toke a quick bath, brush't my teeth and change'd. I put on black skinnies, a gray shirt, my leather jacket and my boot's. I walk out and every one was up waiting for me.

"Hey guys" i said sitting next to Ash

"Morning" they say in zinc

"Are we there yet?" CC ask he is so inpatient

"Yeah were here now" the driver say's walking in we all got out and we sow a big house it was almost a mansion my eyes got wide with the other's it was pretty

"Ok Jon told me to tell you guys to go in and meet them and later get the suitcases" the drives said we all nodded and wen't to the front door.

When we got there i knock't on the door we heard noises. They open'd the door it was a girl with brown hair and whit tips open'd the door her eye's widen when she sow us.

"Uh guys..? Tell me i am not going crazy" she said when she said that 3 other girls came to see. One had blue hair, the other had orange hair and the last one has blond with pink tips. They look't at us and there jaws drop't

"Um.. Hi you guys can come in" the girl with blue hair said we walk it it was a pretty house we wen't to the leaving room and sat on the couch and the girls entered and sat in front of us

"Hi i guess we should introduce are self's i'm Krystal" the girl with blue hair said

"I play bass" she added

"I'm Roxy i play drums" the girl with orange hair said

"I am Jessica and i play guitar and sometimes violin" the girl with blond hair and pink tips said

"And i'm Yasmin i'm lead guitar" the girl with brown hair said

"We'll it's very nice to meet you guys. But um.. Don't you guys have a lead singer?" Jinxx ask't

"Yeah her name is Carolyn she is a heavy sleeper and well we wake her up at 12 and it's 11 right know so yeah" Krystal said we all nodded in understand ment.

We talk for a wail and got to know each other it was fun we laugh't and talk for and hour. I check the time and it was 12:00am.

"It's 12:00 know who's gonna wake up sleeping beauty?" Jessica ask the girls all look't at each other

"NOT IT!!" said Yasmin, Roxy and Krystal. Jessica frowned

"Give me the blow horn" Jessica said. Krystal gave her the blow horn and said

"We love you" she said and back't away

"Ok everyone get of the couch and step back!" Yasmin warned we did as we were told but we were confused

Jessica walk't up the stairs. It was quite the only thing we heard was a door open. A second later we heard the horn blow and a scream. Then we heard running down the stairs. The next thing we sow was Jessica running from a girl with black hair and was wearing batman pj's awesome!. She chased her into the kitchen and then we heard loud bangs and a scream. We were all trying to hold in are laughter. Jessica walk out of the kitchen cover'd in flour, eggs, chocolate sirup and sprinkles.

"This is why i didn't wanted to do it!" Jessica said with a pout and walk up the stairs to get changed. We burst out laughing and sat on the couch again. That was fucking funny!

The same girl walk out of the kitchen. Her skin is pail and she has black hair. She has a lip ring and her nail's are pointy with a batman design epic. She walk up to the other 3 girls.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Krystal teased. The girl stuck her tongue out at her.

"We found out witch band is that were opening fore." Yasmin said with a smirk. The girl didn't say anything she just gave her a look that said 'who?!'

"We are opening for Black Veil Brides" Roxy said exited. The girl's jaw drop't and gave her a look that said 'Your kidding??' like she didn't believe it.

"Look up" the girls said to her

She look't up and saw us her glowing green eyes were breath taking. She look't at each and every one of us. She was amazed. Her eyes look't back at me and i swear i got lost in her eyes they are beautiful. Jessica walk't back down and got next to the girl.

"Like what you see?" She ask't with a smirk. The girl look't down and blushed. She hit Jessica on the arm and walk't up stairs i think to get ready.

"That was Carolyn um.. We forgot to tell you guys that she's a mute for knew people.. She talk's but not to knew people she used to never talk but she started to let go and well she sing's but seen's she doesn't know you guys she stays mute. We talk't to her last night and she said that she'll try to get to know you guys in a week to try and talk to you guys we hope you don't judge she has been through a lot." Krystal said we were a little in shock but we nodded in understand.

I wanna meet Carolyn..

Carolyn's POV

I can't believe the girl's woke me up like that!! That was mean but i got revenge jiji. I still can't believe we are opening for Black Veil Brides!! I Love Them!!! Especially Andy he is my favorite. I swear i felt like we got lost in each other's eyes until Jessica came in.

I went into my room and look't for what to wear. I put on my batman t-shirt, black rip't skinny jeans and my combat boot's. I put on my batman ear ring and batman belt. I strained my hair and did my makeup i did a think line of liquid eyeliner and did a wing at the end of my eye and put on some nude lipstick. I walk out and went down the stairs everyone was talking so i walk't up to Krystal and sat on her lap. Every one look't at me funny and i got my small white bored with a black marker.

'What?' I rote and showed them

"Nothing" they said at the same time i just shrugged

"So tell us a bit about yourself." Andy said giving me a smile. Oh dear god he so beautiful!!

'Um.. Ok my name is Carolyn. I love Batman. My favorite bands are you guys, SWS, PTV, FIR and BOTDF. I like animal's and food is my best friend. My favorite colors are black, blood red and neon green. And um.. My band mates are my best friend's. I think that's all.' I rote they all nodded

CC raised his hand like a little kid and jump up and down everyone laugh't i just giggled.

"I have a question" he say's pointing to me i just nodded

"Why don't you talk? And why are u sitting on Krystal's lap? I am just asking because it look's like you 2 are you know.." He trailed of a bit awkward

'Um.. It's ok i don't tell people at first why i don't talk so if you guys can wait i'll like that and um.. Krystal is my best friend so we know every thing of each other and we'll we act like lesbian's but i am 100% strait and she's bi so yeah..' I rote with a shrug i show'd them and they all made an 'oh' face i giggled a little witch made Andy smile at me and that made me melt inside

"Yeah i'm bi but she know's that if she tries being bi or a lesbian i am so asking her out!" Krystal said not caring what they might say that is why i love her they all nodded and smiled

"I'm hungry!!" Jake said i look't at him

'Dude u read my mind' I rote and i show'd him the girls laugh't i just shrugged it of

"Carolyn when are you not hungry?" Krystal ask i just smiled evilly and shrugged

"Ok um.. I'm going to order pizza if that's ok with you guys?" Yasmin ask the guys they all nodded

I notice that Andy was still staring at me i blushed a little before i look't at him. He blushed a little but i just smiled at him nicely. He smiled back.

Oh Andy how i wish you were mine...

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