Love Never Dies

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Carolyn's POV

I was sitting on the couch washing TV with my BFF's they are also my band mates. We are a band i am the lead vocals witch is weird because i don't talk around new people i know it's weird seen's i love to sing but i am kinda mute for new people.

My band mates are Yasmin, Jessica, Krystal and Roxy. Yasmin is lead guitar. Jessica is guitar. Krystal is bass. And Roxy is drums. We are The Vampires Last Bite.

I am a weird wet fun. I love batman and i am obsess with BVB. I like other bands like SWS, PTV and BOTDF. They are my bands favorite ever. I have black hair with a scene/emo stile and green eyes that look like diamonds. I have a lip ring. I live with my friends and my only family is my grandma.

Anyways back to the present. We were all watching TV when my phone rang. I look't at it, it was are manager Karla. I answer'd it.

"Hey what's up?" I ask

"Put me on speaker i got some new's for you guys." She said exited know i was curios why she was so exited but i put her on speaker.

"Hey girls!" Karla said to everyone

"Hi Karla!" We said in zinc

"Ok i have some news for you guys are you guys ready?" She ask

"Yeah tell us" i said exited know

"Ok you guys are opening for a band that you love and they are going to stay with you guys for 2 weeks for the concert and to get to know you and maybe if they like you guys you may go to Warper Tour!!" She almost screamed we were all star struct we froze in shock then it get in are minds and we burst out screaming

"O MY GOD THANK YOU!!!" She yell in zinc i ask Karla a question

"Who is the band? And when are they coming?" I ask exited and curios

"I am not telling you and i don't know you'll have two wait and see" she said i can hear the smirk in her voice

"Ugh fine!" Yasmin said a little sad

"How many people are coming?" Krystal ask we live in a big house it's almost a mansion we each have are own rooms mine has the batman symbol on the door

"Um.. Let me see... 7 people" she said

"Ok we got spar rooms" i said happy and anxious to know who it is

"Well i'll leave you girls to rest bye!" She said

"Bye!" We yelled

We hang'd up and almost had a heart attack we couldn't believe it.

"I can't wait!" Jessica said happy

"Me ether" i say

"Carolyn are you going to talk or be a mute? I know it's scares you and that your a little afraid but were here for you ok?" Roxy said they all look't at me i thought for i minute and answerd

"I am not going to talk for a week so i can get two know them but i will try you guys know how hard it is for me" i said a little sad they all know my past how i was hurt so many times till the point were i didn't talk to anyone

"Ok we will explain to the band. But for know lets make sure the rooms are presentable" she said we all nodded and got up and went to the spare room's

"Ok seen's there is 7 people we have to see how many can fit in a 3 rooms" Krystal said we nodded there is 2 rooms with only one bed and 1 with 2 beds we clean'd them to make them look nice when we were done it was 10:00 pm i was tired so i wen't to bed

"Good night guys" i said to them

"Good night Carolyn" they said back

I wen't to my room and turn on the light's my room is black with yellow i have band posters and some Andy Biersack poster's i am obsess with him he is my celebrity crush if i meat him i will die i know he's with Juliet but sometimes i wish he would see the truth behind her. I went to my bathroom yes my bathroom is in my room. I got into my batman pj's and brush't my hair and went to bed.

Andy's POV

I was sitting in my bunk thinking about Juliet she hasn't been the same for a long time. I just don't feel the same way anymore i just don't know anymore. I was gotten out of my thought's by the guys calling me i got out of my bunk and wen't to them. They were all on the phone with Jon i walk in.

"What's up guys?" I ask sitting next to Sammi we are on tour and we invited Sammi and Ella

"Jon has news for are next venue" Ash said

"Ok guys's you guys are going to do a concert in Wisconsin and the opening act will be a cover band called The Vampires Last Bite they are all girls and they are letting u guys stay with them for 2 week's if you guys like them they will go to Warper Tour with you guys. Are you guys willing to do it?" Jon said the band name is epic i will like to meet them

"Yeah were willing to do it. Is the band cool with it?" I said everyone wanted to go they love meeting knew people

"Yeah there ok with it. They don't know that you guys are the band by the way. There manager know's that they live u guys and wanted to surprise them" he said

"Ok when are we going to meet them?" Ash and CC ask

"Tomorrow morning the bus driver knows the address so he will take you guys there and the girls can stay in the house with you guys they don't mind" he said we all nodded forgetting he can't see us

"Ok" we said in zinc

"Ok bye guys get some rest" he said

"Ok bye" Jinxx said and hung up we all went to the bunks and rested of a wail tomorrow is going to be a good day.

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