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"Hey babe, why are you so quiet? I said I'm sorry for ignoring you at the bar. Is it that hard to forgive?" Josh said, glancing at the girl seated beside him. "Grace, c'mon, cheer up! I wasn't checking out the waitress. Today's our day, just you and me, away from work and everyone else."Grace stared out the window, arms crossed. "I'm not talking to you after how you embarrassed me earlier, in public no less. Just because I called you out for winking at her!"Josh sighed, keeping his eyes on the road. "Grace, don't take it so seriously. You know I wasn't flirting. I hate the silent treatment, it's like I can't breathe."Two hours of tense silence passed. Josh eventually made a left turn into a narrow street. As the car slowed, he cast a sideways glance at Grace, whose eyes were shut tight."Yay, we've arrived!" Josh announced, trying to lighten the mood.Grace groaned, half-asleep. "Finally. Maybe I can relax... even in this creepy old cabin of your grandfather's. Still don't get why you like it here."Josh chuckled. "More air to breathe out here." He smiled at her, hoping for a response. "And hey, you're talking to me now, babe!"Grace remained speechless, enduring Josh's playful demeanor. The car pulled up to the cabin, a weathered old structure surrounded by tall, shadowy trees. Josh jumped out to open Grace's door, then hurried to the trunk to grab their bags and some drinks.Night fell quickly. It was almost 10 PM when Josh, glass of wine in hand, danced clumsily up the stairs as the wind howled outside.A young girl stood in the distance, watching through the cabin window. Inside, the only sound was the soft hum of music. Josh jogged downstairs to Grace, reaching out to grab her. She recoiled, arms crossed and frowning."Oh c'mon, still mad?" he asked, pouring himself more wine. He sank into the couch next to her, oblivious to her icy demeanor. "It's our anniversary. Let's toast and drink until we can't anymore."Grace stood without a word and walked to the kitchen. As she reached for a glass from the cabinet, she heard a faint noise behind her. She froze, her heart racing, but when she looked around, the room was empty. She shook her head and shut the cabinet, only to catch a glimpse of a figure behind her in the reflection. A girl stood there, pointing directly at her.Grace spun around, but no one was there. Panic surged through her. "Josh!" she screamed.Tipsy, Josh stumbled into the kitchen. "What's wrong?""I saw a girl. She was right there. She looked... cold."Josh chuckled, searching the room but finding nothing. "You're seeing things. It's probably the stress." He took her hand and gently led her back to the couch, trying to calm her down.Fifteen minutes later, Grace couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She excused herself and returned to the kitchen, determined to see if she had imagined it all. There, on the table, was a knife—stabbed into the wood. It hadn't been there before.Grace's pulse quickened. "Josh, are you messing with me?" she whispered to herself. She was about to touch the knife when Josh called out, "Grace, come back here!""I'll be right there!" she shouted, but when she turned back to the knife, it was gone. The only thing left was a fresh stab mark on the table.Shaken, she hurried back to the couch, convincing herself it was all in her head. "It must be my mind playing tricks. I should lay off the wine."Josh was already deep into his drinks, laughing and talking to himself. By midnight, they were both tipsy, stumbling around the cabin, giggling as they kissed on the couch."You're wild, Josh," Grace laughed. "Let's go upstairs."Josh, eager, swept her up and carried her awkwardly up the stairs. He dropped her on the bed and leaned in for a kiss, but Grace froze when she saw a shadow move across the room."There's someone here," she whispered."Babe, it's nothing," Josh replied, starting to undress. But Grace was insistent."Check the closet," she urged. Reluctantly, Josh opened it, revealing nothing but clothes."See, no one's here," he said. But Grace's eyes darted toward the bathroom door, which stood slightly ajar. "Please check there too," she pleaded.Josh sighed and went to investigate. When he didn't return after several seconds, Grace's heart began to race. "Josh?" she called, her voice trembling.Suddenly, Josh sprang up, screaming, "Aah!" Grace screamed too, only for Josh to burst into laughter."Josh, stop it! It's not funny!" she shouted, feeling embarrassed. He bent down to look under the bed again, and this time, his face paled."Oh my God, Grace... My eye!" Josh cried out in pain, stumbling back toward her. His left eye was hanging out of its socket, dangling grotesquely. Grace screamed in horror as blood streamed down his face.Panicked, she ran downstairs to call the police, but the phone had no dial tone. The cord had been cut. Frantic, she searched for another way out, but the doors and windows were all locked. Josh's footsteps echoed down the stairs, his voice weak and pleading, "Grace, help me..."Desperate, she hid behind the curtains, trying to steady her breathing. She watched as Josh staggered into the living room, his face a bloody mess. He collapsed onto the couch, barely conscious.Moments later, a young girl appeared at the top of the stairs, holding a knife. She walked down slowly, humming a haunting tune. Grace watched in horror as the girl approached Josh, who could barely whisper, "Please... stop."The girl smiled and patted Josh's hair, then, without hesitation, she plunged the knife into his chest. Grace stifled a scream as the girl methodically cut into Josh's heart. His weak protests faded into silence.The girl turned, looking directly at Grace's hiding spot. "You can come out now," she said sweetly. "It's your turn."Grace froze, praying the girl didn't know where she was. But the girl's voice grew more impatient. "I don't like playing hide and seek."The music grew louder as the girl danced, but Grace used the distraction to slip into the kitchen. She searched frantically for a weapon but found nothing. Then, the music stopped. Grace peeked out from the door but saw no one. The girl had disappeared.Grace turned to leave the kitchen, but there, standing in the doorway, was the girl, smiling sweetly with two knives in her hands."Looking for these?" the girl asked."Who are you?" Grace whispered, backing away."I'm Tracy," the girl replied, her voice cheerful. "Your boyfriend liked my game. Don't you?"Grace shook her head. "This isn't a game. You're insane!"Tracy's smile faded. "Don't call my games crazy," she said coldly. "You'll be dead in three minutes, just like your boyfriend."Grace grabbed a plate and hurled it at Tracy, knocking her to the ground. For a moment, Grace thought it was over. But as she bent down to check if Tracy was unconscious, the girl's eyes snapped open. With a swift movement, Tracy stabbed Grace in the neck. Blood poured from the wound as Grace collapsed, choking.Tracy leaned in close, whispering into her ear, "I told you. Three minutes."As Grace's vision faded, Tracy stood up, wiped the blood from her knife, and walked to the door. She calmly set the cabin on fire and strolled into the woods, humming as the flames consumed everything behind her.

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