Serious Matters

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It was the first night in their new house. Derek had finalized the building and contracts just a few days ago, and they were ready to move in. It was hard for Hayley to leave Kristy, but she assured her she is fine, and wanted her to start her life with Derek. Besides she had a boyfriend too. They had been moving all day and ordered takeout as a quick fix before bed. They finished eating and sat on the couch surrounded by boxes. Hayley said something.

  "Kids." That was all. This startled Derek and he looked confused by this.

  "I want kids. With you. I want to have the life we've always dreamed of." Derek sat in thought for a moment. Maybe a moment too long. She started to get up and leave embarrassed by what she had said. He grabbed her hand and pulled back towards the couch.

  "Where is this coming from? You never liked to talk about this before." She sighed and started to tear up.

  "I've always wanted kids, but I never knew how much I would want that. You make me want to be the mom I always wanted to be. I- never mind." Hayley stood up and ran for the bedroom in tears. Derek went to go catch her when he heard a crash. He ran into their shared room. He saw her sitting there crying, trying to pick up pieces of glass from a glass block picture frame. The picture inside was a picture of the moment he proposed to Hayley a few months ago.

  "I'm so sorry, I ran into it. It was an accident." She felt awful about it, Derek got over the frame and made her dump out the glass in her hands. He lead her to the the loft right outside their room, and sat her on the couch.

  "I don't care about the frame, we can get another one. What I care about is what's making you this upset?" He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb to sooth her. She breathed deep.
  "I had a miscarriage." That's all she could say before bursting into tears. He held her head to his chest and cried with her. They had talked about kids and their future before, but she was so hesitant as she is so young.

*6 months earlier*


  "Yes, D?" She yelled this back down the hallway. He followed the sound of her voice to the guest bedroom. She was picking up from when Julianne had friends in town. She wanted to make her workload easier, so she was helping her clean up for the day. Derek walked in.

  "Hey can we talk? It's not bad, but this has been on my mind for a while." She happily agreed and followed him to his bedroom. They sat on their respective sides.

  "Our future. By this I mean getting married having kids, things like that. I don't want to do something you aren't comfortable with."

  "I'm not opposed to either idea, I would love to. I just don't know when I would be ready, to have a kid at least. I do want to start a family with you. Just not for a while. I don't want to disappoint you babe. I just don't want to rush into anything, I'm scared." He nodded, and understood where she was coming from. She started to freak herself out. Hayley quickly got up, pecked his lips and went back to cleaning.

  "Love you."

  "I love you too, baby."

*Present Day*

  "When did you find out?"

  "Two days ago. I went to a few doctors, I was having a lot of painful cramps, I couldn't stand up straight, or at all without getting dizzy. I was at rehearsal, so Jenna drove me to my doctor. They told me I had miscarried. I don't even know I was pregnant. I was 10 weeks." Derek was appalled. He hates that he never noticed something was wrong or that she went through this alone.

  "Why did you not call me when you found out? I would have come out. You know this. I don't want you to feel alone."

  "I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't know what to say. I never knew how much I wanted kids until I lost one. I am so sorry. This is all my fault." She put her head in her hands.

  "I had thrown up a few times, and had subtle signs, but I didn't think about it. I didn't stop dancing. This is all my fault." She kept repeating this statement. She felt she ruined everything. Derek held her and calmed her. He felt awful for how she felt.

  "There was nothing you could have done to prevent it, babe. You dancing has nothing to do with it! Allison still danced, and Maddox is perfectly healthy. We will be okay, we can try again when you are ready." She nodded and kissed him.

  The next day Hayley was a mess and not up for anything, yet she had rehearsals and knew she had to go. Derek drove her there, you could tell she had been crying and slept poorly the night before. She had puffy red eyes, and a horse voice. Before she got out of the car Derek stopped her.

  "Do you want me to stay? Come in, or just hang out on one of the couches?" She held back tears as best as she could but it was not luck. All the stars and pros, and paparazzi was witnessing this episode. Derek handed Hayley over to Jenna and Lindsay, while he grabbed her stuff from the car. There were tons of questions coming from every direction, Derek ignored it all. She was doing well at rehearsals, but she wasn't herself. At the end of the night she was ready to go home.

  "Ready Hay?" She nodded and trudged along with her things to go home. They made it home and saw Brooks' car in the driveway. They walked in to see dinner prepared, a clean house, which still had boxes but they had been unpacked for the most part. Lexi and Harley came out of the kitchen to greet them, followed by Brooks and Julianne. Julianne hugged Hayley, they had told them last night before bed. And Jules broke for how Hayley felt and sounded. They sat down and laughed and ate and watched a movie, all to get their minds off what had happened. Jules and Brooks left after the movie.

  "We need to call my mom. I can't keep this from her." They set up their big computer in front of the couch and called Debbie. She answered after a few rings.

  "Hey Hayley, hey Derek! What's going on?" She was about to be thrown for a loop. Hayley did not know how her mom would react to her getting pregnant before she got married, or the news in general.

  "Mom, I don't know how to say this. Please don't be mad." Debbie hesitantly agreed.

  "I had a miscarriage, but I didn't even know I was pregnant." Hayley threw her head back trying to hold back tears, but it was no use. Derek put his had on her knee and began blubbering. Debbie was in shock, and felt so horrible for how her daughter and future son-in-law were going through this so soon. They talked with he mother for a few minutes before Hayley had fallen asleep, which relived Derek, she hadn't slept well in days.

  It had been a few months, they had accepted what had happened, and decided to start trying for a family after they got married that next January. The wedding was everything that wanted and more. They finally finished moving in to their house, and saved a room as storage, until they were fortunate enough to find out they were pregnant. That May they found out they were expecting, who would be due late December. Their lives were turning out just right.

(A/N - I loved this, it just came to me. Please let me know if you want me to do a part 2 or 3 about her pregnancy, then birth. Also leave prompt requests! They help tremendously, and help me get the one shots out faster!)

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