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"Psst. Tori come hither."

"What why? What are you doin- NO DON'T SHE'LL KILL US!!" My eyes opened due to the girls' obnoxious screams. SMACK! A soft fluffy pillow hit me hard in the face.


"RUN!" Toria yelled, pulling at Dani's arm and they both ran out of the motel room. I groaned before sitting up and stretching, looking at the clock beside the bed. 8:00 AM. It's 8 in the morning. I went to sleep like four hours ago and the girls know NOT to wake me up this early. Ever.

"Are you still gonna kill us?" Toria peeked through the door as I pulled my shirt over my head. I answered, "I'm too tuckered out guys." The girls could sense my exhaustion and slowly came back into the room. "But I can never be too tired for revenge," I smirked and hit both of them in the face with pillows.

"DOUBLE WAMMY SUCKERS!!!!" Dani shrieked and ran in the bathroom with Toria to take cover. "I'm getting breakfast," I said chuckling to myself as I quickly fixed my hair and left to the nearest Pancake Parlour.


*Bzzt Bzzt*

I looked at my phone as I was walking back to the motel and saw that David was calling. "What," I spoke bluntly.

"I stopped by the motel and picked up Toria and Dani along with your guys' bags. I'm sending you an address, meet me there."

"Yeah fine whatever."

Even though we got in a fight, this industry means we stick together. Doesn't mean we can't be hostile towards each other though.

It was a long walk but I eventually got to my destination. It was an average, somewhat mediocre house in a small suburban neighborhood. Alright... I knocked on the door and went ahead and walked in. The front entry way was immediately met with a hallway. To the left of me was a staircase and on the right was a little den area. I could hear voices from down the hallway and then David came out from around the corner. "I was starting to worry."

"I'm fine David. I always am."

He nodded.

"The girls are upstairs and I took your stuff to your room."

"My room..?"

"Yes. You guys will be staying here from now on."

I was dumbfounded. "I thought we would be staying in our own place and you would be in your own?"

"That was the original plan but I changed my mind." I groaned and started walking up the stairs. "By the way Bex, I want you to meet my son later tonight okay?" I nodded and continued up the stairs.


Dinner Time

"Why are you getting all dolled up exactly..?" I asked Toria curiously. "We're meeting David's son tonight Bex. You never know how cute he'll be." She winked at me and continued curling her hair. I rolled my eyes and went on my phone until dinner was ready.

"Come on girls!!"

We all filed down the stairs and continued to take our seats.

"He's running a little late but he'll be here."

"Great first impression I see," Dani mumbled. I snickered while David glared at us both. The door abruptly opened and slammed closed, followed by footsteps.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm here though." No fucking way. It's the dude I punched in the face last night. Are you shitting me. Wow.

He saw me and his eyes went wide. "I'm uh.. Calum," He quickly took a seat and stared at his hands in his lap. Toria broke the silence.

"So how old are you Cal," She smiled sweetly at him. She's always been so man-hungry. She's not a slut, just likes to flirt. A lot.

"Uh 20."

"Cool, cool." She commented.

I slurped my pasta, trying hard not to be obnoxious. Everyone looked up at me. "What?" I said, a noodle still dangling out of the corner of my mouth. Calum laughed a little and went back to eating. "Do you have a problem?"

Calum looked up at me. "Do you not know how to eat food like a civilized human?"

"It's not my fault no one taught me how t-," I caught myself and mumbled, "Shut up." He cocked an eyebrow at me and started to talk but I interrupted. "How's your nose?"

David stood up. "That's enough! I don't know what's going on between you two but you need to either stop or go to your room, one of you!" Calum stood up and went straight to his room while I sat there awkwardly.

"Do you have any wine?"

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