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Even though I was conducting the first test, I had full confidence that my team would use their heads and figure out the motive. Besides, I taught them myself and I am their mother. Which mother wouldn't be proud of their children? Yuuki was with her babysitter, one of my co-workers from the hospital, as I was spectating, waiting for the teams to finish. It seemed like hours before I called "Time's up!" I waited until everyone that remained had their full attention on me before continuing. "It is time for the final question... but before that, those who choose not to take on the burden of letting your team down, please leave the room." Many people left with only 7 teams remaining, one being my own. "You all..... pass this exam. You may go to th-" As I was about to finish my sentence, Anko appeared in a puff of smoke. "You knuckleheads are now with me! It's about to get real!..... Well, I was expecting more people, Sakura. Seems like you worked them real hard." I chuckled and said "Their all yours, Anko." I turned to them and said "Good luck..... you'll need it." Then I disappeared in a cloud of smoke. It was now up to them to survive the next round..... The Forest of Death.


By now it had been a few days since they went into the doomed forest and I was worried about them. I trusted them, but I was worried for their safety. All the teams were skilled, experienced, and were no afraid to go to extreme measures. But despite all that drama, I was at home with my youngest and making sure the house was in top shape for when the second exam was finished. A few hours later, I got a call from an ANBU to meet for a preliminary round so I dropped Yuuki off at the hospital with Shizune, who was covering my shift, before I disappeared with some cherry blossoms. Appearing on the railing, I looked down at the teams and saw my children with minor injuries, but all in one piece. Konoha 12 and other gennins, going to be chunnins, were in the sand village going through another more challenging exam so they wouldn't be fighting against them. That was a big relief. After the speech it was time for the first match to start. Kashin was fighting a sound competitor, who was pretty knowledgeable according to the first exam. The signal was given and the match began. The sound ninja charged while throwing in a few hand signs. Kashin, on the other hand, was running around the room dropping special tags that he played around with. Although he was younger, he was well prepared and educated to know what to do. As he appeared in the center, he activated his Sharingan and wove hand signals to activate the seals. The seals were originally supposed to trapped the opponent/enemy in a certain position for a period of time, enough time to let the person to escape or kill the one trapped in the jutsu. But since Kashin played around with it, I don't know what's gonna happen. I watched as the battle got more and more intense, feeling more worried for my eldest child. I'm not gonna lie, the boy from the sound was strong, stronger that the one that fought Sasuke when we were in the exams. As the minutes flew by, the more the two showed more injuries. I had to stop myself from jumping down the rail to heal him.

"Kaa-san, is Kashin gonna be okay?" Shina asked, breaking my eyes from the battle in front of me. "I'm sure he'll be fine." I replied, reassuring her and myself at the same time. A few minutes later, Kashin was announced the winner of the match. The other three children by my side were cheering, happy for there older brother. I just clapped and smiled, although on the inside I was jumping and scream with joy and excitement. Kashin bowed at his opponent and made his way up the stairs, towards us, but the other three couldn't wait any longer. They ran towards him and tackle him with hugs and questions. Shina got on his shoulders while the Daikun clang to his arm. Sakun, on the other hand was asking question after question, not even getting an answer to the prior ones. Slowly, they inched their way to the team's assigned area as the other match went on. The winner was a girl from the cloud village, who used an ancient technique passed down from the earliest generations of ninjas. Then Sakun was called up to battle against a boy from the hidden mist, who specialized in defense jutsus. It was difficult but Sakun won with a special technique that I found in a scroll at the back of the library. Daikun was right after that against a girl from the sand, who followed in the footsteps of Temari. He won with a shadow paralysis jutsu that Shikamaru taught him a month ago. Shina was one of the last ones to go, against one of our own, a girl who towered over her like a spider to an ant. I was really worried for her, only four years old and already fighting with a muscular and experienced ninja. But I had full confidence in her since I taught her the basics in medical ninjutsu and how to infuse chakra into her limbs, which she is still working on. In the end, I was called a tie because either was capable of continuing the match. 'Just like Ino and I.' I thought as I made my was down the stairs to retrieve my mini me. After everything was wrapped up, I took my children to the hospital to get patched up and to pick Yuuki up from Shizune's office. They all had minor scratches and bruises from their matches but Kashin had a wound from a kunai on his leg, which was bleeding a lot. I didn't want him to walk on the injured leg so I carried him on my back.

When we got to the hospital, I took an empty room and started to heal each of them while conducting simple check-ups to make sure that they were injured in any other way. Sakun had a minor concussion from hitting his head on the wall and Daikun sprained his ankle. Shina was still sleeping her injuries off, but she was fine. I got Yuuki from Shizune and took all of them home with the help of clones. Now I had to start finishing the preparations for the third part of the exams. I wanted to make it similar to the ones that happened during my gennin years. But I was worried for my children because they would be the youngest ones there, especially Daikun. I had so many things on my mind so I decided to go train. I left a clone at home and went to the training grounds that Team 7 trained on, which was a few miles away from the house. I tried to be quiet but before I even started, someone shouted "Hey look! It's Sakura-chan!!" I turned and saw my three former teammates approaching the training grounds. I stopped what I was doing and started to walk towards them. "You're back already? How did it go?" I asked as I stopped in front of them. "We are Chunnin! Dattebayo!" Naruto shouted with a huge smile on his face. "Dickless was complaining the whole time we were there because Ugly wasn't there. Traitor on the other hand was silent." Sai said in his usual smile. I really wanted to punch him for calling me 'ugly' but I was in a good mood so I let it slide. "Kashin, Sakun, and Daikun made it to the third round. Shina was in a tie." I said as I smiled. "I'm gonna try to get Kakashi to train Kashin and Shikamaru to train Daikun. Would you guy try and convince Kakashi to train Kashin for me?" I asked them with an innocent look on my face. "Of course we will! Right Sasuke? Sai?" Naruto exclaimed. "Hn." Sasuke 'said' while not even facing me.

After a few more conversations, we decided to spar with each other since we were all there. I went with Sai as Naruto and Sasuke went all out. I, on the other hand, was trying not to punch the ground and send waves to my house with 5 sleeping children inside. Hour passed as the fighting got more intense, and it was soon time for me to leave. The third exam would take place in a month and I need to make sure that they are well prepared. Besides, I know that they are gonna do great.

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