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16. Finger guns fix everything

 Finger guns fix everything

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There was a bug in the air. The dance bug. A bug where mostly everyone is affected by it, usually women. Unlike the past years of my dance life existence, it wasn't affecting me.

The hallways were decorated with all sorts of colors that follow the stereotypical winter colors. White, silver, and lots of sparkle from what I got from it. I enjoyed the tiny sparkle details, reminded me of snow.

There was a banner hung up in the staircase. I wonder why the faculty thinks that banner isn't gonna be gone by the end of the year. My bet it will be knocked off by lunch.

"Julia!" Blake yelled my name. Grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the side of the hallway where students bobbed and weaved around us.

"You know I have a very important science test to get too." I joke.

He smiled, "I need your help."

"Blake Hunt needs my help? Should I be honored?" I grin.

"Someone woke up sarcastic." He grins.

"Ah you know I eat,sleep, and dream of being sarcastic." I leaned up against the locker. Feeling whoever lock stab the side of my lower right. Ramming into the rib.

"No but serious note. I definitely need your help. About the dance." His smile dropped.

I crossed my arms, waiting for him to explain what the heck he was worrying so bad about.

"Tara won't stop talking about the dance and how we're gonna be the king and queen." He starts.

"Aw poor Blake doesn't want to be crowned."

"Okay ouch." He says, "but that's besides the point."

"Right." I smile.

"I don't know how to dance."

My mouth just about dropped on the floor. "No way."

"Yes way." He sighs. "And if I get crowned I have to dance in front of the entire school."

"What is this? A high school movie?" I joke.

"Tara is counting on me to not embarrass her." Right, because if you embarrass her, it's the end of the world. We graduate in six months.

Sighing I give in to his somewhat hilarious frustration and anxiety about the not knowing how to dance. "Fine. What do you need me to do?"

"During lunch, meet me in the gym." He explains.

"And what's in it for me?"

He smiled slightly. "The valuable time with Blake Hunt."

"If that was the case, I would of passed up this offer quicker than a roadrunner."

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