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23. Declined Love

No matter how angry you could be, not matter how cold hearted, once you see one of your friends suffering through a broken heart

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No matter how angry you could be, not matter how cold hearted, once you see one of your friends suffering through a broken heart. You can't help, but feel sorry for them.

A heartbreak is one of the most painful things you can through, mentally. You can physically feel your heart is broken up into a million pieces while, a stabbing feeling. Your stomach drops and you start to feel uneasy. Your heart stops beating, sensing your body into shock as the tears start falling uncontrollably down your face.

What hurts worse is when you loved them, but they didn't love you back.

Blake loved Tara. Tara loved his title and torturing me with it.

Somewhere in me, I kept telling myself he deserved this. This is what he gets for pushing his friends away. That he should have listened to Theo the first time.

But no one deserves this type of pain he's going through. It is mentally and physically painful.

I could feel his face being peeled off my now wet shoulder. I stared into his big brown eyes, trying to figure out what to say but he got to it first.

"Julia. I'm so sorry for how I've been treating you and Theo these past weeks." He sniffles. I've never really seen Blake cry, let alone show any sadness. He's such a happy person all the time.

"I've been a douche." He looks down at his feet. "I guess I sorta deserve this don't I?"

"No one deserves this." I finally speak up.

He looked up with a smile.

"I mean. Yeah, you deserve something. but not this. This is just painful for everyone." I explain.

"Yeah." He wiped a tear away. "Julia."


"Can we start over. Before everything started to go crazy?" He asked.

"You can't just erase and forget everything, Blake. No matter how much you want to." I tell him.

"I know." He mumbles. "I just miss hanging out with you. You actually made me see things in a new way. Allowed me to drop my popularity act and be myself."

I smiled at this.

"So can we just go back to how things were?" He asks again. "How we were?"

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