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18. Blizzard

Koda barked rapidly and he continued to bark until I rolled out of the comfort of my bed

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Koda barked rapidly and he continued to bark until I rolled out of the comfort of my bed.

"What is it boy?" I asked, walking past the mirror and only getting a tiny glimpse of myself.

From what I saw, my hair was tangled in some sort of bird nest pattern. Dark bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep because Rebecca had very important news about a guy she met and forget that there's an eight hour time difference between us. Also the fact that now it's my winter break, my sleep schedule has flown out the window.

"Thanks god no one is here to see me, oh my god what they hell are you doing in my house Blake!"

He stood there rocking back and forth on his toes. Koda sat at his legs and let his slobbery tongue hang out for the world to see.

"Well you look like death." He commented.

"Thanks," I mumbled walking past him into the kitchen.

"So I was thinking," he took a set on the nearest barstool. "Since next week you'll be heading up to see your mother, I thought we should spend your last day visiting the lights downtown. We can get hot chocolate and watch me fail miserably at ice skating whole you blow everyone away."

"You do realize a blizzard suppose to come in today?" I ask, "and it's morning."

"Well I calculated with the much need math that we obviously need for the future, that with the traffic it will take three hours to get downtown."

"So we'd get there at noon," I chuckle.

"That's why I was thinking, I take you shopping."

"Oh really?" I smirk, pouring both Blake and I a glass of milk.

"Well I haven't got you a Christmas gift and well, I thought it be best if you came with." He smiled.

"Right." I smile, leaning onto the counter. "Well I have nothing better to do, so sure. But I need to change."

"Well I thought you were gonna go with the 'I'm dead' look." He jokes.

I slap him on the bicep and wall back into my room. Changing into something warm just in case, I get stuck in a snowstorm.

I decided to go with simple black leggings and a navy blue sweater. Paired with my favorite navy blue beanie to cover the messiness my hair is in. Even the duel braids couldn't make them look better.

When I walked back into the main room, Blake was playing with Koda. I smiled and grabbed my phone.

"Let's get this show on the road!"

He looked up and smiled at me and we were off.

He looked up and smiled at me and we were off

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