Part 16 - End

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"We gotta get moving, doll," he whispers into your hair.

You groan, not willing to move out of this dank warehouse.

"The teams ETA is five minutes, we got explainin' to do," he says more forcefully, the nerves bleeding into his voice.

Oh shit, you think. With one thing and another you haven't gotten around to telling Bucky about your arrangement with Steve. You stifle a giggle, choosing not to tell him and give him a hearty dose of tough love. After all, he had put you through hell.

Putting on your best "I'm a fragile flower protect me" face, you turn toward him, eyes downcast, bottom lip caught between your teeth. "How will I tell Stevie?" you whisper.

His face goes blank, several emotions passing over his features, guilt being prevalent. "Fuck. I dunno, I'll handle it," he sighs, grabbing you by the waist and depositing you on his lap. His appreciative gaze roams up your body, "How did I get this lucky?" he asks.

You blush under his heated gaze, trying to hide behind your hair. "Shut up," you mumble.

He chuckles. "I'm serious, doll. You're beautiful, inside and out. I ain't never met anyone like you." He presses an affectionate kiss to your lips. "I jus' hope Steve understands. I never meant to hurt him," he mutters almost to himself.

You contemplate telling him, putting him out of his misery, but the stomping of boots puts a stop to it. You don't even have time to get off of Bucky' lap before Steve, in full Captain America gear, strides in looking intimidating as hell. Dirt and blood coat his suit, the mask torn in a few places. His eyes flash as he takes in the scene before him, Natasha coming to a halt behind him, a smirk plastered firmly on her face.

"Did I miss somethin?" Steve barks out, voice cold as ice. "Is there a reason my girl is on your lap, Barnes?" His eyes drag over your form. "Pantless," he growls.

Bucky pales, eyes nearly bulging out of his head as he tries to form a response. He picks you up, making sure your shirt covers you adequately, and places you gently beside him. Standing up, he strides toward his friend. "Steve, I'm sorry. I didn't want it ta happen like this," he begins, hands clenching at his sides, sweat beading his brow. "I never wanted ta hurt ya, but I...I love her."

Steve's lips twitch minutely, barely containing his laughter when he glances your way. "So, what? Ya thought the best way ta go about it was to steal my girl? Bucky Barnes always gets the girl, right?" he spits out.

You know there's no real venom behind it, no bite to his bark but damn! Cap's pulling out the big guns and showing some mad acting skills. It's rather impressive. Perhaps all that time he spent dancing on stage prior to the Howling Commando's hadn't been a total waste after all.

"Steve, no! I didn't steal her. It sorta... just... happened," he says lamely.

You snort. "As I recall, babe, you didn't give me much choice in the matter. You went all dom on my ass."

Steve's eyes snaps to yours and back to Bucky's. He grabs him by the lapels of the shirt, shaking him like a rag doll. "You put hands on her without her consent?" Steve walks him backward to the table you are sitting on, forcing him onto his back. "Did he touch you without permission? He put hands on you when you didn't want him to?"

You bat your eyelashes, pouting slightly, the betrayal that flashes across Bucky's face, has you feeling awfully guilty. "Well, Stevie, he was awful convincing. It's those lips. They just... make a girl feel... things," you coo softly, blinking innocently up at Steve who's barely holding his shit together.

"What the fuck are you doing, (Y/N)?" Bucky hisses, his anger at your apparent betrayal boiling to the surface.

"Telling the truth, Buck. Wasn't I supposed to?" you ask innocently, widening your eyes for effect.

Steve snorts once, then a rumbling laugh forces its way past his lips. Soons he's a shaking mess, howling with laughter.

You can't help but follow, erupting into peals of giggles as Bucky looks lost.

"What's happening?" he yells, head swiveling between you and Steve.

You can do nothing more than laugh harder, which seems to infuriate him more.

"If ya don' tell me what the fuck is going on, babygirl, I'm gonna put you over my knee," he sighs exasperated.

"Promises, promises, Barnes," you sing.

"Your... face," Steve chokes out, his large frame doubled over as he gasps for breath.

Even Natasha cracks a smile.

"Oh honey, Steve and I were never together, the big lump got it into his brain to pretend to be my boyfriend. He thought it would make you jealous."

Bucky growls, rolling out from under Steve when he finally steps back. "It fuckin worked, I nearly burst a vein every time he touched you," he says as he clutches your waist possessively.

"Alright tiger, calm your shit." Rolling your eyes, you avert your attention to the gasping blond "Stevie, babe, you gotta breathe. Nat, help the man."

She smiles wickedly, sidling up behind Steve, laying a stinging slap to his behind.

His laughter stops abruptly, his face going beet red.

You snigger vindictively while Bucky guffaws loudly in front of you. Smiling up at him, his eyes bright, you can't help but press up on your toes, throw your arms around his neck, and kiss him for all your worth.

Steve levels Natasha with a playful glare.

"There'll be no living with them after this," Natasha remarks.

Steve nodding absently. "You think she'll be okay? Ya know, with herself?"

Nat smiles a knowing smile. "I doubt he'll ever let her forget just how amazing she is." Her smile turns sinister. "If he does, I'll shave his hair off in his sleep."

Steve sobers instantly. An angry Natasha was a scary Natasha.

"Alright you two, disengage yourselves. No one wants to see you sucking face," Natasha quips, breaking the two of you apart. "And I don't know about you guys, but I could murder a waffle."

Receiving general assent in the form of vigorous nodding and lip smacking, she rolls her eyes, grabbing Steve's hand. "Come on then gang, let's get the hell out of this joint."

You smile softly to yourself, worry and stress seeping out of you. You had your love, your friends, and, with a bit of work and effort, you could have you too.

Everything was going to be just fine. With Bucky at your side, you knew no matter what happened in the future you would always be... enough.

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