sweet and salty

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(please don't hate me)

I woke up and looked across the room at Toby. He was so innocent. How could clockwork do that? I sighed and got up. I tapped Toby on the shoulder and told him to get up. I walked downstairs to get cheesecake. I opened the fridge and went to grab a plate before I noticed a plate in the back. It had a name tag on it with MASKY ONLY! written on it. I took the plate out. It was New York style cheesecake with strawberries on top. Toby was so sweet. He knew that this was my favorite type. I brought the plate over to the table. I grabbed a fork and took a bite. It was the best cheesecake I had ever tasted. Clockwork walked in. She was wearing a short nightgown. Wow, can you please put on something that covers you. I spat at her. She just smirked and sat down. What are you afraid that Toby would like me more now? She asked. No, but no one wants to see you're a**! I yelled losing my calm. She rolled her eyes and walked out. I kept eating my cheesecake. My head started to spin more and more with each bite I took. I stood up with my plate to go wash it when my whole vision started to blur. I tried to walk but my legs gave out under me and I fell. I saw a pink nightgown then my vision blacked out completely. The last thing I heard before I lost all consciousness was Sally screaming for Toby and slender.
Masky woke me up and went downstairs. I got up and started to get dressed. I heard masky yelling at someone and walked out into the hallway. I didn't hear anything else so I turned to go put a shirt on. Toby? I heard from down the hallway and clockwork ran towards me. I sighed. What do you want? She stopped and stared at my chest. Wow, you are so muscular. She said. I sighed and turned to go back to the room. Wait she said and grabbed my arm. Don't touch me. I spat. She let go of my arm. Would you love me if masky wasn't here? I looked at her. Masky is here. I said. Well, what if something happened to masky? She asked with a small smile on her lips. I stopped and grabbed her by the throat and held her against the wall. WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM! I yelled at her. TOBY SLENDY! It's MASKY! I heard Sally yelling. I dropped clockwork and ran downstairs. Sally was standing in the kitchen doorway. I ran past her into the kitchen and saw masky on the floor.  I dropped down beside him. Slender appeared. I didn't care I just cried and cried with maskys head in my lap. I sat there until Jeff EJ and Jane dragged me away from maskys body so slender could take him away. I saw clockwork with a smile planted plainly on her lips watching me. YOU B**CH! YOU DID THIS! I screamed and broke out of there grasp. I grabbed my hatchets off the counter and charged at her. Jeff EJ Ben and LJ grabbed my arms and held me back. Well, Ben took my hatchets because he wasn't much help at holding me. Jane cupped her hands around my chin. Toby! Toby looks at me hun whatever she did she probably deserves it but that won't make you happy.  Trust me I know. She glared at Jeff. She wrapped me in a hug and I broke down in her arms. The guys let go of me and I slumped to the ground. Jane sat down with me and I laid my head on her lap. She stroked my hair lightly and sung to me until I cried myself to sleep.
Toby fell asleep in my lap. I got Jeff to carry him to the couch. You'd be a great mom EJ said looking at me. Ya. I said. I sighed and got up. I walked towards the door before something caught my eye. I walked towards were masky was laying when we came in. I picked up the plate on the floor. It had a name tag with maskys name on it taped to the side. It had cheesecake crumbs all over it. I called Sally. She ran into the kitchen. What was masky doing when you walked in. Eating cheesecake. Then he stood up and fell. She said. Ok thanks, I said. I walked to the slender office. I walked in. Can you help masky? I asked him. Doctor smiley is working. He said. Doctor smiley ran into the office. I know what happened. He said. What? I asked impatiently. He was poisoned. Will he survive? Slender asked him. I'm not sure he was put in a coma. He said. I walked out of the office and into the living room. I sat beside Toby. I tapped him on the shoulder. M-Masky? He asked. No hun it's Jane. He opened his eyes and sat up. Is masky ok? He asked quietly. We're not sure yet. He's in a coma. W-what? He asked crying again. He started to sob. I let him lay his head on my shoulder. Toby, I need to know why exactly you attacked clockwork earlier

? He looked up at me with his brown eyes. W-well she said she was getting r-rid of - he started sobbing again. I patted his head. Shhh shhh, it's ok it's ok. I said. So clockwork poisoned masky so she could have Toby to herself. Smart, diabolical but smart. I thought to myself. Well, slender will be glad to hear this. I said. Toby, have you ate? I asked him. N-no. He said. Ok. I got up and grabbed some waffles for him. Here eat. I said and gave him the plate then walked out. I walked back to the sender's office. Clockwork poisoned masky. I said as I walked in. What? Slender asked. I told him what Toby told me. Slender called clockwork in. I left so I didn't kill clockwork as soon as she walked in. I wanted to murder her for hurting Toby like that. Toby was like a son to me and I couldn't stand watching as someone hurt him. She deserves to pay but I need to keep my cool. Just stay away from her and it will be ok. I told myself and walked out.

(A/N hi another long chapter 1100 words long to be exact because I've been in a car the past 16 hours driving to New York so if I don't update much it's because I'm in New York so ya

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