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After reading this don't kill me plz

Toby's pov

I walked out to pond and sat down. Me and masky have been dating for 2 years today. He told me to meet him here but now looking around I don't see anything, or anyone. All of a sudden music starts playing and I look around before seeing masky walk out of the trees. He walks up and grabs my hands pulling me to my feet. I stood there confused before he looked me in the eyes and got down on his knee. My breath hitched and I felt tears coming to my eyes. "Toby aren Rodgers (still can't spell his middle name) I love you with all my heart and you mean more then anything in the world to me. made me the happiest man on Earth and marry me?" Tears of joy were running down my face I had never wanted anything more I my life. I said yes maybe a little to much but I didn't care I was getting married.

~2 years later~

I put on my jacket and walked out of our small cabin. We had moved out of the mansion 4 years ago and have been living here since. I've made it a nice home for us. Every Friday we go to the mansion for dinner with everyone. I saw maksy standing there waiting for me. My heart erupted in butterflys still when I saw him. I have him a kiss and leaned down to give Lizzy one to. Lizzy qwas sitting in the stroller. We had adopted her a few months ago and she was perfect. We started walking through the woods before a strange showdow came across the Forrest floor. We heard a slight grawling from the bushes. "Toby I want you to take Lizzy and run to the mansion I'll be right behind you." Masky said to me and I did as instructed lifting her out of her stroller then running. I heard screaming and looked over my shoulder once to see a gray anerexic creature jump on of masky. I couldn't risk Lizzy's life so I kept running. Lizzy was screaming in my arms as we broke through the clearing in from of the mansion. Jane was the first one out the door hearing out crys, then ej. Jane ran up and took Lizzy out of my arms as I collapsed to the ground sobbing. Jane handed her to eh who obviously didn't know what to do so he handed her to slender. Jane nelt down next to me and wrapped me in a big hug. "Sweetie what's wrong? Where's masky?" She asked. Hearing his name made me sob some more. I pointed at the trees that I came from and smiley, Jeff, and EJ took off in that direction. Jane helped me inside and made me waffles but I wasn't even hungry for them. We sat on my old bed, my head in her shoulder as she rocked me singing to me. I sobbed soaking her dress but she didn't seem to mind. I heard someone clear there throat at the door. Slender had Lizzy asleep in one of his tenticles and smiley standing next to him. Smiley made a small hand motion and Jane stood up. I couldn't hear much but I did catch one thing. "We couldn't save him" now Jane was crying as well. She came back and hugged me tigheter then she ever hugged me before. We just sat like that for a few hours crying. I knew that there was bo way I would ever be the same again.

(Welp now I'm depressed after writing this idk why I did it but ya so don't hate me plz)

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