Chapter 11

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"Where have you been?" Harley yells at Selina.
"Chill out, I showed her round my place, that's all," She responded as we both walk inside.
"Didn't it even cross that mind of yours to tell me first?" Harley continued to yell as she shut the door.
"Hey, it's ok," I try to tell her. I go to hug her and she pushed me away. I could feel my heart break.
"No! Don't you come near me either. You scared the shit out of me," She yelled, breaking down a little. "I'm sorry," She cries, suddenly thrusting her arms around me. "I thought she took you after all!"
"Hey, of course she didn't! She's our friend, you know she is," I tell her. "Wheres Ivy anyway?"
"Oh, yeah, she's gone to that house, Selina. She told me to send you if you ever came back," Harley told her.
"I best be off then," She sighed. "See you later, kid," She tries to hug me, but Harley tries not to make it obvious that she's blocking it. Selina nods understandingly and leaves.
"She's really not the enemy, you know," I tell Harley. "Besides, she has to trust us now, and we have to trust her, I found out a heap of stuff about her!" I say excitedly to Harley.
"Really? Such as?" Harley says, obviously trying to pretend she's not interested.
"She's like Ivy, she's been dead. She fell out a window and then a bunch of cats nurtured her back to life," I told her.
"Did you find out anything else?"
"She used to be girly, like worse than me, but once she came back to her flat, she trashed it, spray painted everything black, tore apart all her stuffed animals and just completely changed her look,"
Harley tries to make out again like she isn't interested.
"She had stuffed animals?" She scoffs.
"I had stuffed animals in my cell that I made out of my old clothes at Arkham, remember?" I remind her.
"Yeah, I used to buy you some and ask you if you were attached to them and stuff!" She laughs. "But that's different, you were nine, she's like maybe older than me. What else do you know?"
"That's it, really,"
"Does she know anything about us?" Harley asks.
"She knows more about me than about you, but yeah, I told her as much as she told me,"
"What did you tell her?" she asks.
"I told her that I don't remember anything about myself, and I just woke up one day at Arkham and they guessed I was around nine years old,"
"Yeah, well I know that already, I read your file as soon as I came into Arkham, I think you were 11 or 12 at the time," She thinks out loud.
"What did actually happen to me?" I ask, going off subject.
"They found you literally sleeping up against a sign post, and they took you away before you could wake up. No one had claimed you, so Theo went and took you for himself,"
"Who's Theo?" I ask.
"Don't you remember? He was the guy with black gelled hair with a suit and he would literally put his face up against someones and talk to them like they were 3,"
"I think so," I say.
We kept reminiscing about our pasts for a good hour or two. We had completely zoned out from the world around us but then remembered that we weren't by ourselves anymore and that we had Ivy and Selina about to be living with us.
"Do you know when they are coming back? I ask Harley suddenly.
"Any minute now, actually," Harley says.
"Have you seen this place, Harls?" I ask.
"The outside part yes, it looks massive, and we get our own room Selina says, and we can make a memorial room for my Puddin," Harley swoons.
"Of course we can! Shall we get the ashes later?" I ask enthusiastically.
"Not later, tomorrow or maybe the day after, but not today,"
"Oh," I say, trying to understand.
"It's because we'll be busy moving in all our shit," Harley says digging me in the ribs.
Around half an hour after that, we heard banging on the door, I go to open it, gun in hand just in case. Selina walked in, looking proud as hell, Ivy followed. They were both covered in blood.
"I ruined my suit," Ivy sarcastically cried.
"Get your stuff, we took their van as well," Selina rushed.
"Give us some time to pack, go to yours then Ivy's and get your stuff, drop it there and then come back," Harley says.
"Ok, well here are some boxes," Selina said quietly as her and Ivy ran back to the van. Harley took my arm and legged it to Jokers office.
"Lets get everything packed up, pronto," She says quickly, taking down Jokers clock and pictures of him, me and Harley.
"I'll get the boxes," I say , running out the room to get them.
I come back with two.
"I'll place everything on the desk, you pack it up," Harley says.
I carefully but quickly place everything into the first box until it was full.
"You do the chemicals and the other weapons laying around, they should be in the basement as well as the kitchen,  I'll sort out the bedroom stuff," I call to Harley. 
We scatter off in different directions of the house, I take the remaining box and grab another one on the way past and dash up to our room, I put Harleys box on her bed and my box on my bed. I collect up all my favorite clothes jewelry, makeup, and my perfume. I already had my outfit on, so I didn't worry too much about that. I then went and got all of Harley's outfits and a couple of normal clothes. She owns alot more jewelry and makeup than me, so it took a little longer. After I was certain all our stuff was boxed up, I slowly came downstairs and put the two boxes by the door. Jokers chair was out here as well. There were no other rooms in the house, apart from the bathroom which we didn't really need anything from. I went down to see if Harley needed anything. She looked a little sad.
"I know," I say gently, taking the box from her. We walk back to the door and place it on top of the chair.
"Oh, shit!" I say. "What about the beds and stuff?"
"Its fine, there are like 20 over there," Selina says, busting through the door. We all laugh, take all our boxes and leave. I look into the house one last time, Harley does the same. She throws her arm round me and we make our way down the path.

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