Chapter 5

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I literally slid down the bannister on the stairs to see what was up. Selina was sitting on a chair.
Wait, it wasn't any chair, it was Jokers!
"THATS PUDDINS CHAIR!" Harley yelled, tears coming to her eyes.
"Hey, hey, she didn't know," I tell her. Selina had immediately gotten off the chair and backed away from it. Harley pulled out her pistol from her pocket.
"Chill out, shes sorry," I tell her.
"Yeah, um, shit. I just thought it was a regular chair. I'm sorry I... didn't know," Selina says.
"Shut up, your making it worse," I say to her.
"But its just a chair," She sighs, confused.
"JUST A CHAIR?!" Harley yelled. She threw the gun across the room and pounced on Selina, shoving her to the ground. I run over to her. "Harley, for fuck sake your too old to be playing silly buggers like this," I say trying to pull her off. She shoves me and I fall across the room. I get back up and try again.
"GET THIS MAD COW OFF ME !" Selina yells to me, trying to fight back. "SERIOUSLY IM GOING TO REALLY FUCK YOU UP... Puddin?" Harley says, suddenly stopping.
"PUDDIN!" She screams, flinging her arms around Selina and pulling her off the ground.
"What the fuck is wrong with her?" She says through Harley's arms. Harley suddenly gets off her and looks again. in deverstation, she colapsed to the floor, staring up at Selina.
"I think it's best you go, Come back tomorrow so we can sort this shit out," I say to Selina. I go and show her the way out to make sure that she actually leaves.
"Your lucky that it wasn't his office you walked into, she would have stabbed your eyes out just for breathing in there," I sigh sympathetically at her.
"Please come back tomorrow, I promise I'll sort this out," I beg.
"If it helps you out, kiddo, sure. But I'm doing it for you, not as much for her," She tells me, then she walks away. I go back down to Harley as quickly as possible. She had a gun pressed to her head, in the corner of the room.
"Harley, no," I say sternly. She points it to me all of a sudden.
"You took her side," She muttered, staring at me angrily.
"No, I didn't," I breathe calmly. "What did puddin teach you? To play nicely with-"
"The other children and return quietly to my cage," She says, joining in with me.
"That's right," I tell her. "Now put the gun down and we'll talk about this,"
She takes her finger off the trigger and tilts it sideways. I walk over calmly and take it from her slowly. I put it on top of  the filing cabinet and then slide down to where Harley was sitting.
"I saw him the other day too," I tell her.
She looked at me dead in the eye.
"Why didn't you say anything?" She asks.
"Didn't want to worry you," I tell her.
She sighs. We go silent for a moment.
"You gotta talk to Selina about this, if your serious about having her a a friend,"
"Puddin was the last person to sit on that chair, I wanted it to stay like that forever, he would have hated to see her sitting on that chair," Harley cries.
"Oh, Harls. I know. I know," I say putting my arm through hers. I rest my head on her shoulder and think back to that awful day, the way he left us and made us walk up to find him, he wouldn't have came back for us, just left us in there to rot. The way he made me and Harley jump out the window of the car and I was knocked uncontious, when I thought Harley was dead and batman was coming to take me to Arkham...
"They didn't even give him a funeral, either, they just burned him and locked his ashes away and left them in there with all the others," Harley says, interrupted my flashbacks.
"Hm," I reply.
I then had a fantastic Idea. I gasp and lift my head up.
"What is it, baby?" Harley says looking at me.
"We could have our own funeral for puddin!" I tell her.
"Oh come on, that's so corny!" Harley laughs slightly.
"Oh, God, no! Not like that," I giggle.
"How then?" Harley says, a little more serious and gentle now.
"We can get his ashes back, then put them into a firework, so he can light up our world one last time!" I tell her.
"Aww, thats so sweet! We can have a green firework as well, it was his favorite color!" Harley says cheerfully.
"Of course we can! and we could invite all our old friends, like Bunnie and riddler, maybe penguin, or how about one of you old doctor friends?" I offer.
"I never had any friends before I met you and Puddin. You know that," She sighed.
"Well, how about our new friends, Ivy and Catwoman?" I ask.
"Ivy, yes, Selina, hm. Have to think about that one," She huffed.
"Oh, Harley. You know she didn't mean it and she was sorry. I'm not telling you to get over it or forget it, just to forgive for it," I say gently.
"I'll talk to her when she next comes over,"
"Tomorrow, she said she's coming to sort this shit out,"
"For your sake and not mine," Harley adds.
"You heard then,"
"Obviously. Its why I pulled the gun on you, I'm sorry about that,"
"Forget about it. I dont even care. Isn't Ivy coming over today?" I ask.
"Possibly. I hope so," Harley asks.
I let out a sigh and put my arm around Harley's shoulder and she does the same to me. I put my other arm around her waist so I'm hugging her. She rests her head on mine and we just think, possibly both of us about Joker.

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