deckard vos-velasco (ref page 1)

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Basic Statistics

Name: deckard vos-velasco    (i pronounce it:   deck-erd   voss   vell-ass-co)
Age: 16
Nationality: spanish
Hometown: valencia, spain.
Current Residence: -----
Occupation: year 11 in secondary school ? 
Talents/Skills: pretty good at science 
Siblings (describe relationship): only child .
Grandparents (describe relationship): his mother's side live in valencia along with most of her siblings and shit, but his father's parents live in london somewhere nice ONE
Significant Others (describe relationship): that would be spoiling it

Physical Characteristics:

Height: around 5'7
Race: spanish ..? idk his mothers spanish but his dad's british and he was born in spain so XXX
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: dark brown but not so brown that its black but its pretty dark

hair style: he has curly hair like his mother, and he has an undercut (picture is at the bottom)

Glasses or contact lenses? neither my boy has perfect eyesight unlike andrew who is FLAWED and loving it.
Skin color: white but its darkish idk
Distinguishing features: he has acne scars ..?
How does he/she dress? wears a school uniform but wears jeans and polo shirts because hes a privileged bitch but he uses it and looks fucking GOOD
Health: pretty good!
Hobbies: hes a science nerd, likes video games and watching films 
Favorite Sayings: 'are you kidding or...'
Greatest flaw: he always checks up on people and its constant so people get pissed and then he gets pissed at himself and he starts apologizing. also he can be pretty cocky but thats just confidence issues sooo leave my boy alone
Best quality:  hes the sweetest EVER, he honestly is so selfless, and he would take care of others 100% .

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: all levels of education so far (infant school, junior school, secondary school and is going to sixth form)
Intelligence Level: high???
Any Mental Illnesses? nope! he has low confidence but 
Character's short-term goals in life: do something to do with geology
Character's long-term goals in life: hes not too sure
How does Character see himself/herself? he sees someone he wouldnt be friends with and would probably want to punch
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? he thinks people find him annoying but he hopes they realize hes sweet as HECK
How self-confident is the character? not very!
What would most embarrass this character? being told they're wrong on a subject they know a lot on, also pda.

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths/Weaknesses: strengths???? science. boy is he good at science. weaknesses, hes not very good at explaining things but thats probably something that developed during childhood due to his snobby parents 
Introvert or Extrovert? who KNOWS he's too lazy to care
How does the character deal with anger? he contains his anger pretty well, but he just tries to wait it out and then he'll rant to someone, usually being the gang in science 
With sadness? he tries not to sulk (was brought up being told not to), hes not afraid to cry but makes sure no one sees because he knows hes an ugly crier.
With conflict? will 100% face who ever the hell is tryna start beef 
With loss? will try to dodge around the issue, pretend that nothings changed
What does the character want out of life? honestly??? he doesn't know? something to do with science maybe a geologist or something 
What would the character like to change in his/her life? things he did when he was younger that are the result of his confidence issues?  idkkk not even sure deckard would answer this, probably just put 'nada' because his little brain things putting spanish as answers to english questions is funny
What motivates this character? rewards! any reward, whether its purely appreciation, or something he can physically hold
What frightens this character? change, also hes pretty scared of failing because his parents expect so much of him
What makes this character happy? compliments! hes so soft you could say he has nice hand and he would just be so happy that someone appreciates him
Is the character judgmental of others? not really, i guess as much as the next person? of course, hes not ignorant so he's not going to make fun of someone for the way they look, or point out things about other people??? but i guess he'll judge people who have bad traits or shit they CAN help
Is the character generous or stingy? i guess a mix of both, but when it comes to homework, nope! he'll keep his work to himself. he worked for it, he put the time in. other people should too.
Is the character generally polite or rude?polite! definitely. he had a privileged upbringing sooo manners were just a thing everyone had, and he thinks manners are just mandatory and everyone should have good manners because its just nice to talk to someone who asks nicely for things???

Spiritual Characteristics

Does the character believe in God? not really, his family isn't religious either
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life? not really at all, but he thinks karmas a thing because so much shit happens to him so he just thinks it's small mistakes that all add up to make shit happen to him
If so, what role does it play? hes super careful, and tries not to make mistakes, but also that's because of his parents. He doesn't want to let anyone down.

How the Character is Involved in the Story

Character's role in the novel (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? etc.): he's a main! deckard is 1/3 of the science gang (as they all call their group). he's probably the smartest in the group when it comes to science, because he's genuninley interested in it, the others are just naturally good at it, but of course they still like it (andrew not so much my babys just clever)
Scene where character first appears: the first page! he's walking into his first year 11 science class and sits down and is then put into a group with kiera and andrew.)
Relationships with other characters:

1. Andrew: -- hmm. their relationship is tricky, they don't really get on very well, because their personalities clash massively, but deckard finds andrew attractive and develops a small little crush for him but that isn't revealed until much later in the comic i guess. after a few months of not liking each other, andrew goes to deckards house for science homework with the group and he finds out that they like a LOT of the same stuff, and they end up playing video games for the rest of the day. They end up not exactly minding each other.
2. keira: -- THE CUTEST friendship. deckard joint their school in year 10, so he doesn't really have a huge group of friends, so when he's put into a group with people he doesn't know very well, keira makes him feel welcome and they get on really really well. They have shit in common and they make each other laugh, also their dads go to tennis together so they both end up going as well so they play tennis together every saturday morning. Keira ends up hanging out with deckard a lot in school, and she looks after him and they become really close. She also wants deckard to get on with andrew because she thinks they'll be really good friends if they gave each other a chance. 

How character is different at the end of the comic from when the comic began: deckard becomes a lot more tolerant of everyone, and he starts doing things at his own pace, and does things for himself rather than for others. at the beginning he was nervous about what others thought of him and would want to be the smartest because he thought that science made him who he was ( hes not wrong lol) but then he realized that he doesn't have to rush everthing all of the time, and he learnt to take more care of himself

Additional Notes on This Character:

-parents know hes gay and don't care, but they would only be 'affected' and bother if he got a boyfriend, because they think that it would start to interfere with their work? deckard doesn't think much of that because he doesn't think he'll ever have a boyfriend.

-deckard visits his family in valencia most half terms and during holidays, and sometimes they come to visit.

-deckard is called 'dec' by his parents, but hates when anyone else calls him it. andrew often calls him dec but deckard corrects him, so andrew instead teases him and calls him 'azucar' (spanish for sugar)

his hair is much much darker than this, but the hair is the same lol, his hair is actaully this curly, but my ugly style make it look wavy, but ye

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his hair is much much darker than this, but the hair is the same lol, his hair is actaully this curly, but my ugly style make it look wavy, but ye. the actual sides are really short, but his hair kinda droops over a little idk its so specific just wait until i actually develop him more and post reference photos

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