wow can you believe im doing even more development for dec

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What's one food they absolutely refuse to eat? Like, even if they were lost in the middle of a forest and all their other belongings had been eaten by bears, they still wouldn't eat this.

-he hates! raisins! they dont make sense to him. 

Are they an annoyingly cheerful morning person or a night owl who sends cryptic texts at 2am?

-100% an annoyingly cheerful morning person. he loves waking up early?? my boy is Health

What's their favorite book? Did they cry reading it? Would they admit it?

-he loves the song of achilles. he cried so much. he doesnt like to talk about it

Are their last words more likely to be, "I can't believe I let you idiots talk me into this" or "Hold my beer"?

definitely the first one

What's their favorite scent? Do they have a memory connected to it?

he loves the smell of books

If they were the last person on Earth (or wherever they live), would they let themselves go natural, naked, and free, or stay immaculate Just In Case?

he would stay fully clothed but he would maybe go without socks

As a child, what did they want to be when they grew up?

he wanted to be a gardener. he wants to be a geologist now 

If they joined the circus, what would their act be?

he wouldn't join the circus. he is disgusted this was even a question

What do they think their worst flaw is? Would other people agree?

he thinks his worst flaw is how he is rude to people he first meets. everyone agrees. its like he doesnt have a filter. hes not an asshole but if you annoy him and he doesnt really know you he will 100% call you out for it

Do they spend vacations/trips following a perfectly planned itinerary or near-comatose in bed for 70% of it?

i mean he likes going on holiday? so hes not going to sleep for the whole of it. his parents plan everything but he gets a say too

If their wallet/purse/valuables were stolen, would they a) let it go, b) go to the police, or c) draw swords and run after the thief?

a mix of a and b i think. but if he was with andrew and marshall they would run after them. if it was just andrew and deckard, andrew wouldn't go after them

What is their stance on the Pineapple on Pizza discourse?

he thinks its nice. he doesn't care if no one else likes it

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