deckard vos-velasco (ref page 2)

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found more kinda obscure and irrelevant questions and i love dec so xx

What is your full name? deckard vos-velasco 

How did your parents decide on your name? deckards mum had a childhood friend called deckard and he gave her a sticker with the union jack on it and it made her fall in love with england and london which caused her to visit there when she was 18 where she met ian (deckards dad) 

How tall are you? deckard is 5'7

What color is your hair? he has dark brown hair thats almost too dark but its pretty and it gets really light in the summer so overtime its just a mix of like 4 different shades its so pretty

What color are your eyes? his eyes are hazel

What is your birthday (month, date, and year)? he was born on the 31st october, 2001

What is your father's name? his name is ian

What is your mother's name? her name's mariana (she likes to be called marie)

What are your grandparents' names? mothers parents are called alma and pablo, and fathers parents are called samantha and george

Do you have any siblings? nope hes an only child

Where were you born? well his parents lived in cambridge and marie found out she was pregnant and then she found out her father was in hospital so they flew out to valencia where they stayed for the rest of her pregnancy and deckard was born IN valencia but they flew back to cambridge  when he was two months 

Where were your parents born? marie was born in valencia and ian was born in cambridge

Where do you live now? deckard grew up in cambridge, flying out to valencia for holidays, but his father got a new job so in the summer they moved to Braycott (finally made a name for their town lol) and deckard now attends braycott co-ed secondary school (he also didn't like his old school so he was happy to move.)

What kind of house/apartment do you live in? deckards parents are fairly wealthy, and so they can afford a big house. like, its not HUGE but its bigger than they would need (4 bedrooms and 2 spare rooms, while they only need 2 bedrooms, buts its useful for when family visits so xxx) and its kinda edwardian style idk look it up i guess 

Do you have any pets? nope, but he would like a dog 

How many times have you moved in your life? well in england, he's moved twice, from cambridge to braycott. and in spain, his family have owned many houses which they rent while in the uk, and they stay there while in spain

What did you study in school? he's currently in year 11 and studying geography, media studies and geology (he does triple science so does them separate but his school also offers geology as a whole different course so he basically is like super fucking smart)

When you were a child, what did you dream of being when you grew up? he had no idea, his dad kept making his do different things so he never really got settled in any clubs but he always liked science, he was just unsure of where it would take him

What jobs have you held and what years? he volunteers in a charity shop, he doesn't get paid.

What places have you visited on vacation? uh hes gone to greece, india, australia and his family love mexico so they go there a lot

Who was your best friend as a child? he had a friend called dylan who was his friend all the way up until year 9, when he and dec got into an argument and they never really spoke again, and then dec moved and they haven't seen each other since.

Who is your best friend now? lol he hasn't really got any but he has acquaintances. he would LIKE to call keira and andrew his friends but hes lowkey scared to

Who are all of the people whom you have dated? hes dated no one. he doesn't like relationships, although, hes crushed on various people over his life 

What is the worst thing that ever happened to you? if you asked him this he would say when he lost the egg and spoon race at the year 6 sports day because his he tripped and got a nose bleed

What is the best thing that ever happened to you? getting a 9/ A** in his year 10 science eoy mocks (which is recent but he was so proud)

What groups, organizations did you belong to in high school, or what sports did you play? 'high school' he is still in secondary school, but hes not in any groups. at his old school he was in the 'science club' with 5 other members and they would go on trips and shit he loved it. he also joint a student made 'gaming club' but they kicked him out because he said he had an xbox and they all had play stations. (lol he will still bring this up even though it was at his old school)

Who important to you has died in your life and how did you cope with their deaths? none of his family have died

What is your favorite color? uhh he likes blue 

What is your favorite place to vacation and why? he likes australia, because its the other side of the world, and he thinks koalas are the best thing.

What is your favorite book? he likes the harry potter series, he's read classics and he LOVEDS jekyll and hyde (me too) and he also shamelessly likes ari and dante because <3 

Who is your favorite actor/ress? he loves seb stan. and robert downey jr. and carey mulligan

Who is an actor you can't stand? he cant stand nicolas cage

What is your favorite movie? deckard loves flight of the navigator, also indiana jones and star wars. his all time favourite??? probably the social network

Food(s)? he doesnt really have one but he likes any type of indian

What most annoys you about your mom and dad? mum- she always expects so much. so much more than deckard can give. he tries his best all the time and usually it pays off but somehow she excepts him to 'do better next time'

dad- he wants deckard to be more into sport. not like football or whatever, but golf and cricket. he already plays tennis, but ian wants deckard to join the cricket club at school. deckard hates all sports except tennis.

How often do you exercise? he does pe at school twice a week and every saturday he plays tennis at the local club with keira.

Do you believe it's okay to tell a lie and under what circumstances? deckard lies all the time lol. he was brought up not to, but it was hard for him not to when his mum never wanted him to go out alone. he doesnt USUALLY tell major lies, more like little lies to get his mum off his back

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? did the 16p quiz and deckard is ENTJ-T

Have you ever been arrested and why? no, deckard is generally a good person but idk he thinks doing something illegal would make him less uptight 

Who would you lay down your life for? if you asked him, straight away he would say his mother but deep down its andrew lol he gay

What are your spending habits? he gets quite a lot of £££ for pocket money, and he gets £££ for birthdays and holidays, and he puts most of it into his bank but would happily spend money on a new game or book (he also buys merch because hes gross) ps. he gets about £15 a week from his parents

Do you enjoy hot weather, or do you prefer colder temperatures? he likes both tbh

What kind of relationship do you have with God? he doesnt really believe in god but gets pissed because he believes in karma

If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would you say? he would say 'the one that nobody actually cares about' but i would say 'the sweetest, smartest boy to ever breathe'

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