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found this on tumblr.

1- What's their full name? deckard vos-velasco

2- What's the reason/meaning behind their name? his mums first friend was called deckard. i can't find the name meaning for deckard anywhere.

3- Do they have a nickname? What's the meaning behind it? he sometimes gets called dec? he doesn't mind being called it. as a joke andrew calls him azucar (spanish for 'sugar') which he started calling deckard after he said his hatred for pet names.

4- Do they have a false name? Why? Does it have any meaning? what

5- How old are they? How old do they appear? deckard is 15 in the beginning of the comic, and turns 16 on the 31st of october. he's a halloween baby and he hates it.

6- What is their eye color? Do they have to use glasses or contacts? How good/bad is their vision?he has pretty green/hazel eyes, he doesn't wear glasses and his vision is pretty good as far as eyes go?

7- What is their weight/height? What kind of body type/build do they have? idk exact weights but deckard is an 'average' weight. he plays tennis so he has pretty good arm strength and leg muscle. apart from that he's LANKY

8- What is their skin tone/type?  his skin is tan (i guess? i mean he's spanish) (i hope that didn't sound offensive) 

9- Do they have any distinguishing marks?  he has acne? it's more scarring than actual acne thanks to his MEDICATION

10- What are their prominent features? uh idk probably his eyes? or maybe his hair

11- How attractive are they to others? ??kind of attractive? i mean i think he is (as far as fictional characters go) but i can't speak for anyone except keira (who thinks he's an average amount of attractive) andrew (he doesn't know) and marshall (he's 100% straight but says if he was gay he would get with deckard- to which deckard thanks him for.)

12- Are they healthy? If no, why not? yeeep!! he's healthy. i guess. he likes tennis but he also loves staying inside all day and watching tv shows and playing video games so. idk

13- What's their favorite color? Why? probably green. he thinks it's nice

14- What's their least favorite color? Why? ..brown?idk

15- What's their favorite music? Why? i think his music taste is pretty simular to mine? he likes indie rock/ indie folk/ anything like that

16- What kind of food do they like or have to eat? he likes chinese. he eats a lot of spanish food.

17- What kind of books do they like to read? he loves any book but he reads a lot of period dramas and non fiction? like books about philosophy  n shit like that

18- How do they get around? as in like transport? his school is like 15 minutes away so he walks to school? he has a bike but does he use it? no

19- Are they a daredevil or more cautious? i think hes more cautious but towards the end of the comic he is more open

20- How do they handle being alone? he likes it a lot but he also likes company so

21- Name any good habits they have he is so!! lovely! he takes such good care of his friends? he also drinks a lot of water because he is owo hydrated xxx

22- Name any bad habits they have boy does not know how to say things politely 

23- What are their favorite hobbies or pastimes? he reads a lot and studies when he's bored. he plays video games? he plays sports (tennis) and sometimes goes to watch his dad play golf? 

im bored i might do the rest soon idk

24- How would they like to spend a rainy day? A sunny day?

25- Where do they come from? What is their culture? Any traditions or things of that sort in their hometown?

26- List out their immediate family. How good is their relationship with them?

27- Are they diurnal or nocturnal? Early bird or night owl?

28- What are they afraid of? What are they not afraid of?

29- What are their goals? How are they going to achieve those goals?

30- Are there any obstacles that might get in the way of their goals?

31- How well known are they among the common folk? Is it for a good reason?

32- Do they hold any secrets? What are they?

33- When confronted with danger, how would they react?

34- What is their species? Describe their species and their features

35- What is their basic story?

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