andrew uhlmann

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Basic Statistics

Name: andrew uhlmann
Age: 16
Nationality: british
Hometown: Braycott
Current Residence: Braycott
Occupation: year 11 in secondary school
Siblings (describe relationship): he has 3 older sisters, aged 24 (Ella), 25 (Chloe) and 27 (Rachel). they live with his mum (Sarah), so andrew doesn't really see them much. he has a step brother called aaron.
parents (describe relationship): his parents are divorced, and his mum moved away with his sisters while he was at school when he was 10. he lives in a 2 bedroom flat with his dad (David), and visits his mum once in a while, but hasn't seen her in a few months.
Significant Others (describe relationship): spoilerssssss

Physical Characteristics:

Height: probably about 5'6
Race: white
Eye Color: hazel but not like deckard, they're more green than hazel but still 
Hair Color: a light brown, dark blonde ?? darker than dirty blonde

hair style: his hair is long-ish, and the sides are relativley shorter than the rest of it but its grown out, and his little fringe thing goes over his face (there's a photo at the bottom)

Glasses or contact lenses? he wears contacts and has glasses but doesn't wear them unless he's at home and not really doing much
Skin color: white
Distinguishing features: none really? he has really pretty eyes 
How does he/she dress? wears a uniform, but would wear jeans or graphic tees for video games or tv shows because he's a NERD
Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) he drinks like every weekend with his friend marshall
Health: good? he would do with a little more exercise but he's not majorly unhealthy or anything
Hobbies: video games, he likes art?? he likes landscape painting because he's cute and edgy
Favorite Sayings: 'dude'
Greatest flaw: he makes assumptions pretty quickly and they STICK like if you're late?? he will never forget and his assume you're always late and will just never let you forget
Best quality: once you get on his good side he loves you so much like he'll send you cards and letters and texts all the time and he's not afraid to hug you

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: infant, junior, secondary and is going to college 
Intelligence Level: smart!!! so fucking smart. He does well in all of his classes, enjoys computer science so he can do anything really. the only thing is he doesn't always complete his homework because of how hard things are at home, and his dad makes life shit for him and he doesn't come home until around 6 every day because he can't be bothered to deal with shit from his dad. 
Any Mental Illnesses? he's not diagnosed but he shows signs for being bipolar but no one really notices and it doesn't majorly affect him but he does sometimes notice the symptoms
Character's short-term goals in life: move out and get his own apartment to get away from his family
Character's long-term goals in life: something arty, probably a video game artist.
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? he thinks that people want to be able to like him, but his personality puts them off. he's nice, but can be too nice, which makes them suspicious so they ease off.
How self-confident is the character? uhh that's hard??? he can be confident, but deep down he has issues with confidence? like around the science group he's confident and cocky, but around family he's so private and doesn't want to really say anything
What would most embarrass this character? andrew doesn't really like when people show him up, just like deckard, Goals! 

Emotional Characteristics

Strengths/Weaknesses: strengths, he' s a fucking pro at everything, specifically painting and he's a pro at video games (any type) weaknesses, he's 'scared' of the dark (childhood trauma) and hates being alone, so he'll do anything to not be alone 
Introvert or Extrovert? honestly?? a mix of both
How does the character deal with anger? he bottles it up in most cases, but if someone offends one of his friends, boy! there will be beef
With sadness? he bottles it up :( baby boyyyyyy
With conflict? will start beef 9 times out of 10  
With change? wants it more than anything, change is his middle name
With loss? gives himself the time he needs, but sometimes too long so that it actually starts to fuck his life up (minor) 
What does the character want out of life? he doesn't know
What would the character like to change in his/her life? there's nothing HE could change, but i guess he would go back and rebel against his parents so they would get angry at him instead of each other, because he sometimes blames them hating each  other on him
What motivates this character? progress. he just wants to move forward with his life, so he'll work his ass off for it
What frightens this character? the dark and alone (because his parents used to argue all the fucking time and his sisters were always out as they were teenagers, so he would stay in his room to keep out of the way, and he would be too scared to turn on a light when it got dark so he would just sit alone in the dark every day until he developed a fear to them
What makes this character happy? appreciation, change, people who are naturally funny
Is the character judgmental of others? no because he wouldn't want to be judged  back
Is the character generous or stingy? a bit of both????
Is the character generally polite or rude? a bit of both, he gets pissed a lot so can come off as rude but he's such a sweetheart

Spiritual Characteristics

Does the character believe in God? no! though he sometimes wonders if he did, then would his life be so shit

How the Character is Involved in the Story

Character's role in the novel (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? etc.): he's a main and 1/3 of the science group. 
Scene where character first appears: the first page

Relationships with other characters:

1. deckard: -- boy! their relationship is a long wild ride. he starts of not really liking deckard, but he can't really explain why. he often teases deckard, but he knows when he's going too far. during their residential geography trip, he snuck out with deckard and keira and they play hide and seek, and they hide together, and andrew tells deckard about why he doesn't want to be alone. that doesn't really change anything, except deckard is more lenient and doesn't bother andrew when he doesn't do work for the group.
2. Keira: -- Andrew and keira surnames beginning with 'U', so when teachers make seating plans they're usually next to each other, meaning over the years they've been at secondary school, they've become pretty close. Andrew's friend marshall has an on/off relationship with keira. Keira knows a lot about andrew, stuff that he doesn't really want anyone to know, but he trusts her.
3. Marshall: -- Marshall and andrew have been best friends since they were young, and still have a great friendship. Marshall isn't in any of andrews classes so they don't hang out as much anymore, but andrew goes to marshall's house after school so he doesn't have to go home. Marshall also looks out for andrew and cares for him a lot

okay so this is kinda his hair but the sides are shorter than this, but the fringe thing is kinda the same idk

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okay so this is kinda his hair but the sides are shorter than this, but the fringe thing is kinda the same idk

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