(you'll have to forgive me, I've been tagged)

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Sorry guys, this isn't a chapter. Rather, I was tagged by  @ryanreeveslover to do 13 questions. I won't blame you for being disappointed or not reading.

1. Do you like someone? Yes.

2. Do they like you? Hopefully, as a friend at best.

3. Middle name? Adrian.

4. Single or taken? Single.

5. Lest person you texted? My mother.

6. Last song listened to? Evermore from Beauty and the Beast.

7. Battery percentage? My phone is on 15%, but I'm doing this on my laptop, which is at 73%

8. Best girl friend? I won't mention her by name.

9. Best boy friend? Still won't mention him by name, but probably the same guy that I like.

10.  Your best OTP? I don't know, maybe (don't judge me) Ryley?

11. Because you can only read stories on Wattpad with an account.

12. Some digital art done by a good friend.

13. 20/04/2000

I tag @RedReality and @lmtmonty

Hope you enjoy :)

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