Liminal Spaces

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Tomorrow, I leave for university, Newcastle to be exact, to study biomedical sciences. This might be my last chapter for a while, since I'm probably gonna be bogged down with studying and extracurriculars. Thank you all for sticking with me x

It often occurred to Ryan that the presence of Finley in his life, especially since getting sick, was like a bright oasis in his desert of dull misery. Or like a commercial break of happiness cutting into the middle of the continuous series of train wrecks that was his life. At no point did this ring more true than in the afternoon spent with him after temporarily escaping the tempest of anger and bitterness and sheer injustice that had taken place at the dumping ground.

They had spent the first part of the afternoon watching another movie - not Deadpool this time due to Ryan's lower spoon count, opting for the relatively simpler Spirited Away instead. The film was still mesmerising, however, with its surreal yet stunning visuals and atmosphere making it a relaxing yet immersive watch.

Finley had confessed to him afterwards that he and Rosemary had once tried watching Grave of the Fireflies, a film by the same studio, and hadn't been able to handle it more than once.

"It's the only film I've ever watched that cost me all my spoons for the day," he said. "You have a younger sister, right Ryan?" A nod. "Don't go near it, especially not while you're still sick. You've been through more than enough without an experience like that added to it."

Even though Finley was warning him about a mere film, Ryan found it rather endearing how Finley was trying to preserve what little emotional stability he still had.

Dinner time rolled around not too long after and Ryan realised he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, which was probably contributing to his premature fatigue. Cynthia, of course, was all too happy to rectify this, serving them homemade mac and cheese, something Ryan was grateful for as he hadn't informed her of his vegetarianism.

It was shortly after dinner finished and they were still in their chairs at the table that Rosemary suggested they go up to her room to play video games, which sounded good to Ryan apart from the whole going up the stairs part, and he expressed as such.

"Want me to carry you?" Rosemary offered, semi-jokingly.

"I'd like to see you try," Ryan snorted, before two arms snaked under him and he was lifted with apparent ease. "What the hell?!"

"Yeah, she's really strong," Finley said, looking thoroughly amused at the sight before him.

"No, I'm not, you're both just really light," Rosemary insisted, starting to make her way out.

It was Ryan's turn to look amused at Finley now.

"Not one word," Finley muttered, walking past them on their way to the stairs, visibly miffed.

"Not that I'm blaming him, but he's lighter than you," Rosemary whispered to Ryan, placing him back on his feet at the top of the stairs.

"Thanks," Ryan said hastily, trying not to let the fact that he had to be carried by a girl two years younger than him get to him.

They made their way into Rosemary's room, which was considerably larger than Finley's, which, as the girl explained, was due to the room once containing two beds when she'd shared the room with their older sister, Charlene, before the latter had moved out for university and then staying out when she moved in with her boyfriend.

The room now was reasonably tidy save for the one remaining bed being left unmade ("Bed bugs survive longer in beds that are made, I'm doing a good thing here."). There were a few large stacks of Blu-Rays and video games on the floor by her TV and a bean bag chair in front of it with a rounded, very fluffy white cushion sprawled out on it.
Strangely, Rosemary didn't sit down at this, opting instead to sit on the floor and directing the boys to do likewise. Soon, they were all engrossed in the task of beating each other at the various games offered by Wii Party.

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