Chapter 7: Don't let the paper falls

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Mabel was in her job almost finishing her turn, when one of her co-workers approached her.

-"Are you going out with someone?"- a black haired woman said in a curious tone.

Mabel looked up from what she is doing with a confused expression -"No, why would you ask that?"-

Tha woman smile-"Well, since I know you are bi, there is a blonde girl waiting for you in front of the building"- she simply said.

-"I think my turn is almost over, I better start packing up and I am not going out with anyone, I don't do does things anymore"- Mabel said standing up from her chair, trying to hide a small smile that was trying to escape.

-"Because of what happen with your Ex? Aren't you going to start moving on?"- The woman said, making a cold chill rush trough the brunette's body making her mouth taste awful, looking toward her with a glare nobody have seen before, and would scare the hell out of anyone.

-"Don't. You. Ever. Say. That. Again."- Mabel said in the most dark voice she manage to made, making the woman back a away feeling the nervousness comsume her body.

Without saying a word she rushed away leaving Mabel behind. -"They know I hate it when they remind me of that why they keep saying it, I better go and see what Paz' wants"- she said to herself feeling the bridge between her eyes with her finger before she notice it. -"Paz? Is been a long time since I said that nickname"-

She started walking out the building, just to be traped in a hug. -"Hey shooting star"- Pacifica's voice was low and gently, while still hugging the girl from behind.

-"What are you doing here?"- Mabel said in and anoyed but still happy voice.

-"What? Can't I come to pick up my girl?"- The blonde asked letting go of Mabel.

-"I'm not yours, so don't say that"- The brunette said hiding a smile.

Pacifica smirk-"Oh but you will"- she took Mabel's chin and pulled her closer to her-"We are gonna play today again"- she smiled before letting her go and taking the girl's hand in hers then walking toward her apartment which she was sharing with Dipper.

-"Where are we going?"- Mabel asked trying to keep up with the blonde.

-"My place"- was the only thing she answered.

After a few minutes of walking they arrived entering the apartment.

-"I'm back!"- Pacifica screamed making Mabel look at her with a confused expression.

Dipper walked from out of one of the rooms toward them-"Hey girls! Welcome back, How are you Mabs?"- he said looking toward her.

-"Fine, I guess"- she answered.

-"We are gonna talk later, first finish the game, anyways I have to go and pick up a few books in the library be back later"- he said before giving a kiss in the cheek at Pacifica and hesitantly giving a hug to Mabel.

Pacifica walked Mabel to the living room.

-"Do you want something to eat?"- the blonde asked and Mabel nodded. -"I think there are still some slice of pizza left from yesterday"- Pacifica continue talking to herself walking toward the kitchen.

After a few minutes she came back with two plates with three slice of pizza each, they eat it quietly, and Pacifica glanced a few time toward the girl at her side before cleaning hersefl up and taking a piece of paper in her hand.

-"This time we are playing with this"- she said catching the brunette's attention.

-"With a paper?"- Mabel asked lifting one eyebrow in confusion.

-"Yes, don't let it fall"- Pacifica said placing the paper in her lips and closing the space between them.

Mabel remebering this in a tv show she decide to get closer and take it but when she was about to do it, Pacifica let the paper fall and both girl crashed their lips together, the blonde not letting Mabel broke it.

-"S... Sto... Stop"- Mabel tried to say in the kiss pushing Pacifica, who just smirked in response.

-"Don't let it fall"- she said with a seductive tone and smile.

-"I. Hate. You"- Was the only thing she said before placing a paper in her lips.

They both continue passing the paper by their mouths, the blonde always trying to let go of it before Mabel reached it.

Dipper opened the door startling Mabel making the paper fall and Pacifica kiss her again, this time a bit longer.

-"Dipper!"- Mabel screamed pushing the girl away from her.

-"Bad time?"- he said laughing and walking toward the kitchen while looking at both girl, the brunette with a mad expression with her face crimson red and the blonde with a grin in her face from ear to ear.

-"That was sweet!"- Pacifica said in a squeal and Mabel chuckle by the girls reaction.

-"Are you still mad with us?"- Dipper asked catching Mabel off guard.

They suddenly became serious and the apartment was slowly beginning to feel like a suffocating place.

-"I'm... I'm not sure"- she said before standing up and walking toward the door, opening it and feeling hesitantly, before looking at Pacifica who had a sad expression. -"I'm sorry"- she mouthed before walking out and closing the door behind her.

Walking toward her apartment room and opening the door, when she got in she let herself fall on the couch letting out a sigh.

-"Should I forgive them?"- she said-"Is she really in love with me? Or she just confusing me with my brother?"- she continue doubting-"But I don't think she would go for all this just because she is confused"- she sat up. -"Argh! What is happening!?"- she screamed in frustration holding her hair in her hand almost pulling it.

She looked at the table and saw a piece of paper -"What is this?"- she asked to herself reaching out for it.

Opening the paper she read it -"If you found this note, you will have to do what it say"- she started looking at the the list that was made by a few things-"This might be from Pacifica"- she said to herself, before standing up.

-"I'll give it to her later, now I'm hungry"- she smile walking toward the fridge.

Pacifica and Dipper both were looking at each others.

-"You shouldn't have asked that!"- she screamed at him.

-"Hey! I'm sorry, I thought you already had her!"- he screamed back at her.

She looked at him annoyed-"I'm trying, alright, leave that to me, I'll ask her when the time comes"- she said serious crossing her arms.

-"By the way, what did you do with the note?"-He asked trying to change the topic.

She let down her arms with a lost expression. -"What note?"- she asked a bit clueless, before realising what he meant-"Oh, the note? I think I left it in the room, why?"- she continue a bit confused.

-"Just asking, wanna go out to eat?"- he asked-"I have to tell you about this book I got!"- he said excited.

The blonde looked at him in horror-"Why me?!- she asked.

-"Cuz' I haven't done any friends yet, and I really want to tell someone about it"- he said excitedly.

She looked at him and  smile-"Fine, let me change and we can go"- she finish walking toward the bathroom.


I'm not telling yet why the note XD

It would be to fast to say, Jajaja don't worry I'll explain later why is that note there 😁.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story! 💖

Have a good day/evening/night! ❤

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