Chapter 18: What should I do?

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Dipper was on his bedroom walking side by side -"Where could they be? Mabel haven't arrived yet? Was is going on? Is this all going to be alright? What can I do should I tell the police? But I don't have a clue yet"- he kept talking to himself, taking his phone and seeing he haven't gotten a reply of both girls, and he didn't knew how many texts and calls he had made to them.


Mabel had finally reached a rope with her leg, pulling it toward her, in that same moment Zack entered the room with a body on his arms and letting it fall abruptly on the floor with a loud noise, the brunette noticing who it was gritted her teeths.

-"Hey! Be careful what you do to her or I'll fucking kill you!"- she growled making him scoff.

-"What are you gonna do? Scream until I start bleeding to dead? Bitch, you are tied up, you can't do shit to me"- he laughed walking closer to her, leaning in, and making her look up with his hand.

She automatically leaned away and bited his finger making him bleed and scream again-"Don't dare me"- she said in the most dark voice she could master.

He lifted his arm to slap her but stopped himself midway.

-"Why do this?"- he asked himself before standing up, and looking at the unconscious blonde girl not so far from them, he kneeled down noticing the rope and picking it up.

-"Fuck"- the brunette whispered to herself inaudible for the guy to hear.

He walked to the blonde and started tying her hands, after sitting her up, he walked out of the room, since he started to feel hungry.

-"Paz! Pacifica, baby, wake up"- The brunette whisper yelled at her companion not gaining a reaction. -"Babe!"- she screamed a bit louder.


The brunette guy walked toward her sister's job, trying to find some clues about who could have kidnapped them or something.

-"Hey, you look familiar"- a boy's voice sounded from behind making him jump and do a defending position. -"Wow, easy there bro"- the boy answered, holding his hands up in surrender.

-"Oh... Uh... Yeah... I'm sorry, is just that last time somebody said that it wasn't a pretty experience"- Dipper recovered himself scratching awkwardly his head.

-"So anyways, what do you need? Are you looking for someone?"- the guy asked lifting one eyebrow to the brunette checking him out.

Dipper blushed noticing what the other guy did-"I was looking for Mabel, do you know her?"- he averted his eyes.

-"Mabel? Mabel Pines?"- he asked-"Yeah I do, she is one of my friends"- he looked at the brunette still wandering who it was-"Why?"-

Dipper looked again at him-"Really? Omg, she is my sister and I haven't seen her since yesterday"- His expression got a bit worried-"I was wandering if she had someone that could be a danger for her"- he asked.

-"Well, not really, she is a kind person, but there may be someone"- the guy started thinking, but was still looking at the brunette. -"her ex-boyfriend can be one"-

-"Who is that person?"- Dipper asked again focusing on gaining more information from the guy, without noticing that the space between them was starting to disappear.


The blonde woke up, a bit confused and her head hurting, before a voice gained her attention.

-"Oh my, Paz! Are you alright??"- the brunette called out, making the blonde look around eagerly for the girl,when their eyes meet, she smiled almost a feeling of relief replacing it, but it drowned her, as she tried to free her arms, looking at the corner of her eyes her hands then back at Mabel.

The blonde haven't notice but when she did her mouth fell, checking the girl who was naked infront of her, as she was in awe by her beautiful body, she manage to put some words out of her mouth.

-"Did he...?"-she trailed off.

Mabel looked down at her body then abruptly looked up-"Oh god, No... No... Nothing have happen"- the brunette reasured her.

Pacifica frowned, seeing her like this in this moment wasn't pleasing neither a good thing.


Dipper looked around the work place-"Can you come with me to the police station?"- he asked looking at Max.

Max smirked-"Is this a date?"- he asked in a flirty way.

-"Well if you'd like a date to be to a police station, think what ever you want"- Dipper said serious trying to hide a small blush that appeared on his face.

Max chuckle and they both walked out of the building to his car, driving off toward the police station.

As they both walked in Dipper stood in front of the counter -"Good afternoon"- he said gaining the officer's attention.

-"Good afternoon, what can I help you with?"- She asked still working on something in her computer.

-"Well, you see my sister and his girlfriend haven't come back"- He said still waiting for her to look at him.

She looked up at him, then back at the computer-"What is the problem with that?"- she asked.

-"Um... My sister haven't comeback since yesterday, and somebody took her girlfriend, in other words I think somebody kidnapped them"- he said getting more nervous by every second.

This time she looked up at them-"What is the victim's name?"- she asked serious.

-"Mabel Pines and Pacifica Northwest"- he said shortly.

-"Does any of this persons have someone that may harm them?"- she asked trying to get more information.

-"Well.."- Dipper trailed off looking at Max who was standing beside him, giving him a -'Don't look at me, I'm not talking'- kind of look.

The brunette rolled his eyes, looking back at the woman officer -"My sister's ex-boyfriend, may kind of be a threat but I'm not sure, they have said they have gotten in big fights"- he said scratching his head.

The officer lifted an eyebrow trying to down the information about his sister having a boyfriend and a girlfriend, feeling kind of curious about it, but pushing that aside staying on the main problem.

-"And what is this guy's name?"- she asked still writing the last part of the information they gave them.

-"Zack"- she abruptly looked up, stopping what she was doing.

-"What Zack? What is his second name?"- she quickly asked.

-"Zack Hyde"- he finish, looking how the officer opened her eyes in surprise, and quickly started looking to some papers on her drawers, before taking out a folder, and showing it to Dipper and Max.

-"This guy??"- she asked showing them a picture of the guy.

-"Yes, that is him!"- Max screamed.

-"Are they in danger?"- Dipper asked worried.

-"Very"- was the only thing before rushing, and disappearing behind a door.

Both of them standing in front of the counter, in a confused way while everyone was looking at them.

-"We are fuck"- was the last thing Dipper said, acknowledging the officer's reaction.


Hey guys!!

I'm taking this moment to tell you that there is this fanfic I'm making of Moana and Ariel, that I'm thinking uploading it after finishing this story, which I'm not sure if finishing it already or make it a bit more long.

Anyways, hope you guys like this chapter! And that you guys love Zack a lot 😂

Very well, good day/evening/night! ❤🌹🐼 love to all you guys for liking my story! 💖

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