Chapter 4

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*Flash Back*

I heard my mom and dad screaming one night from my bedroom. I knew it was coming I never wanted to come to the realization that they were actually getting a divorce. 2 years after my parents split my mom got remarried.  I've never seen my real dad since but all I know is he had a massive drinking problem and it never stopped. He abused my mom all the time and Amber and I would hide in the closet listing to my mom scream and cry. Sometimes he even hit me and my sister for no reason at all. One night he went out the pub in town, But what happened that night is something I will never forget. My Dad came home with a group of his friends. Eyes blood shot, they reeked of alcohol and smoke.  When he realized that we  weren't down stairs he came up looking for us he came in my room and said "Hi pumpkin where's mommy?"  "She in her room, I think." I said. 'I Think' He said with anger in his tone. He walked back in the room and his hand came at me with lighting speed. SMACK, Right across my face. Amber ran in and said dad what are you doing? He walked over to her, pushed her down, and headed straight for my moms room.

( Reality)

 My mom never told us what happened after he shut the door. Even to this day Amber and I don't know what happened. I have the same night mare of that night every once in a while.

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