Introvert Stereotypes & My Thoughts On Them

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I've heard a lot of stereotypes about introverts throughout my life as a human being. So here are my thoughts on introvert stereotypes.

Note: If you are applying any of these stereotypes to any introverts in your life, you should stop. Put yourself in their shoes; you'd be amazed by what you find. If you can't, then research! Go deep, find out what it truly means to be an introvert.

Without further ado, let's get on with the chapter!!!


"How are you an introvert? You're so friendly!"

Does everybody think that introverts are antisocial and cold?!? Sure, some introverts are antisocial, and some are rude but that doesn't automatically make other antisocial!! Saying that introverts are antisocial, rude, etc., is like meeting a group of people for the first time. Someone in that group starts being a jackass, so you assume that everyone else in that group is a jackass. Do you see the unfairness in that? The rest of the grop could've been nice and kind. Maybe the person who was being a jackass would turn out to be a really chill person.

There are different types of introverts, you know, not just one.

"You're an introvert? You must be really smart then."

I kinda get why people believe this stereotype. However, there are different types of intelligence. Some introverts are really, really smart. Some introverts aren't. Some introverts are right in the middle.

All in all, this stereotype isn't It actually depends on the situation it is used.

"You'll never find a girlfriend/boyfriend being an introvert!"

Says who?


I feel society is to blame for this. We've been brainwashed to think that if your outgoing, sociable, 'the life of the party' etc., we'll be attractive and thus more likely to have a boyfriend/girlfriend (no offense to those with those traits or are attracted to/ have a preference for people w/those traits. I'm just stating my opinion.). If you don't, then you will supposedly be unattractive to some degree and will have a lesser chance of being a bf/gf.

To all you introvertsyou can find a bf/gf. Don't let society or anyone tell you otherwise. Don't feel like you have to completely change yourself in any way. There is someone out there that will accept you for who you are.

If your significant other can't completely accept you being an introvert and wants to change you, then screw them! That douchebag doesn't deserve an fabulously awesome human being like you!!!!

"You'll grow out of being an introvert!"

"You'll grow out of being an introvert!"

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I'm real confused at this one. Do you think that being an introvert is bad or.....

Ya know, I understand why people would think and say this. Introversion hasn't really been painted in a good light. Society has shown that being an extrovert is generally better(no offense extroverts). Extrovets are generally pictured as happy-go-lucky, social people, while introverts are usually depicted as shy, reclusive, smart bookworms.

But it still makes me a bit mad when people say this. I mean, are you a freaking psychic or something?

If you're one of those people who thinks this, then stop. Most of us won't know what the future will behold (If you can then I want to be your best friend). Maybe someone will stop being an introvert, maybe they will. The more important thing is that you are there for your introvert for the good and the bad and to be prepared for what may come.

"Introverts are shy"

Before I talk about this let me show the definitions of shy & introvert:





being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people.

And here's the definition of introvert:

Introvert comes from Latin intro-, "inward," and vertere, "turning." It describes a person who tends to turn inward mentally.

So, one of the main difference of being shy and an introvert is that shy people tend to be nervous and timid(I totally did not just take words from the definition) when near people. Introverts "get their batteries drained" when they are around people for a specific amount of time. They recharge their batteries by being alone.

This part was not meant to shame any extroverts, introverts who fit these stereotypes, people who believe in these stereotypes, etc. You are free to believe what you want to believe. However, you do not have the right to impose and force people to believe what you want to believe or do what you want them to do. You also don't have the right to belittle and heckle someone that has different beliefs than you, etc. This was purely made to give my thoughts on some introvert stereotypes.

I have 5 questions for you:

1. What are some annoying/mean stereotypes that you had seen/experienced?

2. Are you ready to go back to school. If you are already in school, how is it?

3. What do y'all want to see next?

4. Do any of you want to make me a book cover for this book?

5. Do you guys want to see part two of this? Or have you had enough of my poorly typed opinions.

That's all folks!!!! Until next time...





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