Worth The Wait

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Requested by Andalusian00

*Your POV*

You were sitting at home watching highlights of your husbands tour on to, he's been away fro quite a long time and it had been driving the both of you nuts not being able to see each other. But you always spoke on the phone every day, although it was never the same as being together in person. You smile upon seeing him on screen.

 You smile upon seeing him on screen

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You sigh while watching, the thought of being able to stare into his eyes, talk to him face to face and touch him in about an hour

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You sigh while watching, the thought of being able to stare into his eyes, talk to him face to face and touch him in about an hour.

You turn the Tv off and grab your car keys, going out to the car. You make your way to the airport, once you arrive you anxiously wait at his gate. Your heart starts to pound, not from nervousness but from excitement. You look down at your watch.

Just on time.

You watch the plane pull in, about five to ten minutes later people start coming in which are Prince's crew. A big grin plasters on your face when you are met with the face you've been waiting to see for over a year. Prince looks up at you, stopping in his tracks and smiles at you.

 Prince looks up at you, stopping in his tracks and smiles at you

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