A/N - Second Imagines Book!

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Hey my Purple Ones!

First of all I want to thank everyone's support since I first started this Imagines Book, you're all absolute gems. You all have made me super happy and are the reason I enjoy writing so much, the reason I have had my account up so long. You all bring me so much joy with your comments and reactions to what I write whether it's shock, sadness, happiness or humour.

And secondly, with some more requests coming I thought with this book already got a lot of creative stories in here I thought I would start up a whole new book for Imagines. The first chapter being dedicated to Open Requests for everyone who wants to jump on in there and get one in.

And thirdly, I'm glad you're all enjoying my other two stories. "The Purple Pursuit" and my brand new story "Under The Cherry Moon" that I've been updating on a daily basis, if anyone hasn't checked them out and would like to, feel free! I update them both regularly so I won't leave you in suspense for as long as I used to.

 "The Purple Pursuit" and my brand new story "Under The Cherry Moon" that I've been updating on a daily basis, if anyone hasn't checked them out and would like to, feel free! I update them both regularly so I won't leave you in suspense for as lon...

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These are my two main books, again I am thankful you're all enjoying them as much as I am writing them

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These are my two main books, again I am thankful you're all enjoying them as much as I am writing them.

This will be the new cover of my Second Imagines Book, which I will be putting up shortly and Open Requests chapter.

This will be my in between book, I will be posting Imagines/requests in between the two stories I'm updating daily

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This will be my in between book, I will be posting Imagines/requests in between the two stories I'm updating daily. If you have given me a request and notice it's been quiet a while and it's still not up, don't panic...I haven't forgotten about it. I will get to it and most likely finished most of it and probably finishing it off and proof-reading it, I don't like to rush stories. I would rather be late with a great story than rushed and a short bad Imagine.

Book will be up in a moment 💜 Peace & Be Wild 💜

Book will be up in a moment 💜 Peace & Be Wild 💜

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