Chapter 1- School's Out!

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"Ok students so I want you all to have a g-"

The loud school bell rang, interrupting Mr. Kiyoteru! It's the first day of summer vacation! Everybody rushed out of the classroom, cheering and throwing books around. Mr. Kiyoteru face palmed us because of the mess we left.  Rin and I walked behind the huge crowd.

As we were going home together, Rin let out a sigh of relief. "Gosh, I'm so happy schools over!"

I nodded in agreement. "Me to, Rinny."

"Oh yeah, and tonight Meiko-Senpai invited us to her party tonight! Are you going?" she asked me.

"Well, my mom said no but she won't be home tonight so I'll go anyways," I replied.

"I can't believe she invited us though! She's 16 and we're only 14!!!" she exclaimed.

"I heard she throws the craziest parties. I also heard she even brings a whole bunch of sake!" I replied. 

Miku POV

While Luke and I were walking home together, Meiko suddenly walked up to us.

"Hey guys I'm having a party tonight, you wanna come? It starts at 8:00," Meiko said.

Me and Luka looked at each other, shocked. She's a 16 year old that's super popular, and she's inviting two 15 year olds at her party?! I also heard she brings sake!

I hesitated for a second, then replied, "Well um of course we will! We will be there tonight!"

"Great, see you then," she said, walking down the street.

Luka suddenly looked at me, shocked. "I can't believe we're going to the party of the most popular girl in the school!"

"I know right! I can't wait!" I yelled excitedly, not caring that people on the street gave me weird looks.

Luka's happiness suddenly faded away. "Oh yeah, I forgot. My mom would never let me out that late at night. She's really strict," she said sadly.

I thought for a second. "I have an idea! What if you sneak-" Luka interrupted me.

"Yeah, I know what you're about to say. That would never work!" she exclaimed.

"Let's think of something because I don't wanna have fun without my best friend," I said.

"You know what? Since I'm so desperate to go, I'll sneak out. Let's just think of a plan of how to do that," Luka said.

We went to Luka's house to think of a plan of how to sneak her out.

"I have an idea of how we are gonna do this. Tell your mom you're exhausted and that you want to go to bed early. Lock your bedroom door and stuff under your blankets with pillows and a pink wig," I suggested.

"So like in the movies?" Luka asked me.


At 8:30, I pretended to leave but I actually stood outside Lukas window. She told me about a ladder in the backyard and I propped it against the side of her house. After about 15 minutes, she climed down gracefully. She had heels in her hand and was wearing a pretty pink bubble gum colored dress. She flipped her long pink hair as she put the light pink heals on.

"You ready to go to the best party ever?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" Luka exclaimed.

When we arrived at Meikos mansion (oh yeah, did I also mention she had a mansion?!), we heard loud music and people having a great time; EDM music was blasting from giant speakers, there were people dancing, and even the people who weren't dancing were on the couches enjoying snacks and drinks. As we walked in, Meiko walked towards us with a smile.

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