Chapter 2- Jealous Much?

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Miku POV

I headed straight to my room. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I looked like a mess! My teal pigtails were all messed up and out of place, I was really pale, and my makeup smudged a bit. What would my mom think if she saw me like this...

I decided to take a shower. I stripped off my teal dress and let the warm water wash off the makeup from my pale face. After I got out, I blow dried my hair and put it in their usual pigtails. I still looked a little pale so I put on some powder.

When I was all clean, I went to check on my little brother. Mikuo was playing Call of Duty Ghosts in his room as usual. I guess he will be fine.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I rushed to check who it was. I looked through the window to see... Luka?! She got home on time?! Because if she got home the time that I did, she would have gotten grounded for life.

I slowly opened the creaky wooden door. Luka had a worried look on her face."

"Miku, what happened last night?! I had to leave without you 'cause I couldn't find you anywhere!" she exclaimed.

"Luka I'm so sorry! Meiko got me drunk, and the next thing I knew, I collapsed. I'm sorry for

making you worried, Luka." I heard the guilt in my voice.

"Well, the good thing is that I got home when I did. When I got in bed, my mom walked in to check on me. Dang, if I didn't get home, my mom would've killed me!" she said.

"How did it go with that purple haired guy you danced with last night?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, it was great! We were probably the only ones who didn't get drunk. He also gave me his phone number," she said.

"What's his name? Or did you forget to ask?" I asked.

"Of course I know his name! His name is Gakupo Kamui. He's in the same grade as us except he went to another school." She said. "Anyways, what time did you get home?"

"About an hour ago," I replied.

She looked shocked. "You didn't get in trouble?!?"

"My moms not home," I said.

"Miku, you got so lucky!" she exclaimed.

Mikuo suddenly walked out of his room. He eyed us carefully. He then said, "Miku Onee Chan make me foooooddddd!!!!!"

"Not now M-"

"I know you got home like an hour ago and if you don't make me food I will tell!" he said.

I looked at him, shocked. How did he find out?!?!?!?! O.O

"You wouldn't dare," I said.

"Oh Miku, of course I would," he said with a devilish grin.


"Weellll... I have to go," Luka said. "See you later."

I hesitated, then walked to the kitchen to make him a spicy sandwich... A really spicy sandwich... >:D


As me, Gumi, and Len were walking to the mall, I saw something that caught my eye... A flyer that showed singing competition at the Kareoke place near Tokyo!!! I love to sing, and I have to say that me and Gumi sing pretty boss duets together. We won the school talent show in 8th grade!

"Gumi, we need to go to this!!!" I said excitedly. "The grand prize is $5,000!!!"

She took the flyer off the pole. "Let's do this!" she exclaimed.

I knew she would say yes! Me and her are always having fun and outgoing. We have a lot of fun and sometimes get in trouble because of it... But we mostly have fun.

Len put his arm around me. "You should. I'll be there to support you guys."

Gumi raised her eyebrows and gave me THE LOOK. She knows my secret.. I have a huge crush on Len. And I'm pretty sure she's the only person who knows.

When we arrived at the mall, we saw a whole bunch of people from school. This is the typical hang out place for the people from our school.

Suddenly, Len bumped into a tall, pretty girl with long, blonde hair. I got kind of... JEALOUS When their hands touched.

"I'm really sorry!" she said.

"It's ok, I should've watched were I was going!" Len said. He seemed to be attracted to her... I DIDNT LIKE IT.

He watched as she walked to her friends with dreamy eyes. I smacked his head, knowing the jealousy was getting the best of me.

"Len! Snap out of it already!" I yelled, getting the attention of people.

He rubbed his head and looked at me with a poker face. Gumi tried to hide a laugh. I felt my cheeks turn bright red.

"L-let's just go shopping, that's what we came for right?" I said.

And with that, we walked down to the food court, trying to forget what had just happened earlier.

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