Chapter 4- IA's Family

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"I'm home, IO!" I yelled when I got home.

My twin brother stepped out of the small kitchen and smiled at me. "IA, come help me in the kitchen. I'm making dinner. Mom has tonight off of work!"

"Really?! Yay!" I screamed and hugged my brother from how excited I was.

As you can see, my mom is almost never home because of work. Her money is what's barely paying the bills and this apartment. But I had IO, and I was happy because of it. I may not have a two story house and a dad, but hey, I have a supportive brother. That's all I need.

Me and IO boiled rice and eggs and fried shrimp and set the table. I was still gushing with excitement, happy my mom was eating dinner with IO and I.

I checked the time on the clock in the living room, and she would come in any minute! We sat down on the table, nervously counting the minutes she would come in.

When we heard the door open, we jumped out of our seats and went to the door. My mom stood there, a smile on her face.

I ran to her and hugged her. She stroked my hair and hugged back. I noticed that there were white hairs on her head here and there, but her face still looked young and beautiful.

"Look at what I brought..." my mom said, holding up a paper bag.

IO took the bag and opened it. I looked inside of it, and yelled, "Yay! Mochi!"

"Save those for dessert, guys," my mom chuckled as she put her bag down on the counter. "Let's eat dinner first, alright?"

We sat down at that small table and filled our plates. "So, mom, what's new at work?" IO asked.

"Oh, nothing really. We just got a new employee today," she said.

My mom currently worked at a restaurant, selling drinks and making fast food.

"Oh and IA? I found this on the coark board at work. I thought you might be interested," she handed me a folded up paper.

I unfolded it and saw that the page was extremely colourful and the letters were giant, emphasizing something exciting.

The flyer stated that there would be a singing competition in Tokyo and that the grand prize was 5,000 dollars! We can seriously use that money, and I love singing more than anything. "Thanks mom! I really wanna join this!"

"I know you have that talent to do this, IA," she told me hugging me tightly.

After dinner, IO and I grabbed red bean mochi and watched tv. My mom washed the dishes and cleaned the table. Days like this I cherished. I almost never get to have family time like this.

When it was almost time for bed, I went to my room and put the flyer on my dresser. I smiled excitedly, barely able to wait for the contest. Hey, I may not be able to win, but singing! I love it!

I turned off my lights, yawning. I'm excited for the future, and I'm hoping for the best.


I fell that this update is boring. Meh. I haven't updated this in a while, so hope you enjoyed~


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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