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*Next Day*

I was half awake when my Mum ran into my room, something she rarely did, and started yelling for me to pack my most important belongings.  Without questioning I did as I was told and ran downstairs only to be shoved into the car by Mum, we started driving but it wasn't towards a road in fact it was towards a forest that I had never noticed before.

After about three hours of driving Mum halted the car, I still didn't know what was happening and I wanted to ask but I was too terrified to for some reason.

"They're after you, They want to take you back." Mum whispered in an exhausted tone.

Who's after me? Why are they after me? Did I do something wrong? I thought to myself as I felt my throat becoming tighter and my vision getting weaker and like that I passed out.

*Six Hours Later*

I woke up in a tent that had a smoldering fire just outside. I walked out to see that Mum had disappeared, However Doubt was there sitting on a small log. His face was covered in galaxy tears exactly how I had seen him when we were at Ira's place.

"I'm sorry, about what I said last night... that wasn't how I had originally planned to tell you that when you feel happy it's not a real emotion it's all in your head." he whispered.

That's when I heard something move in the bushes behind me.

And I see Doubt's face turn a sickly grey colour before being knocked out.

*Three Days Later*

I woke up in a warm, but uncomfortable feeling room.
All I could see was darkness, just like the night of the incident.
And that's when I got up and ran.
Not knowing what will happen to me once I leave this seemingly endless room.

A/N: first of all WTF IM ALMOST AT ONE HUNDRED READS?! Ahhh thank you guys for so much tbh I never thought anyone besides my close friends would read it. Seriously I'm so fucking happy haha. Also sorry about this chapter being shit, I haven't had many ideas how to get to what I want this story to be, even though I've had the past two weeks as school holidays to think of ideas lmao. Again thank you sooooo much for almost 100 reads, I'm just so fucking excited that people want to read what piece of shit I have to offer haha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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