You're My Aesthetic

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"I know, it is a lot to take in, but it's the truth"
We were back at home again and Doubt was explaining the whole thing to me again as I found it extremely hard to believe the fact that he was real, I mean not in this dimension but in another he was. I asked him if I could tell Tyler about it but he refused to let me, as it could cause some serious consequences.

*Time Skip To 2am*

Doubt had left for unknown reasons again, but this time I wasn't worried. Although I was by myself in my room I felt I had a purpose again which hasn't happened since Luke died, I decided to do some browsing on instagram, so I wouldn't lose this sudden burst of happiness, and saw that Tyler and Josh were going on tour again which meant I wouldn't have therapy for a couple months but I wasn't mad, in fact I was happy as it would mean that I wouldn't accidentally tell Tyler the truth about Doubt which is my main concern at the moment.

After a couple minutes of scrolling the internet I decided to go to sleep as I hadn't had much in the past couple of days, but just as I was fading into a dream I heard someone playing on my ukulele and singing, but it took me a while to realise who it was and what they were singing.

" Pastel clouds, in a pastel sky,                                                                                                                                            Floral shirts, and picket fences.                                                                                                                                        I don't know why, but honey I,                                                                                                                                        Think you're my aesthetic.

   Leather jackets and aviators,                                                                                                                                            Ripped jeans, and roller skaters.                                                                                                                                    Tonight we'll dance on platform stages -                                                                                                                    Cause darling, you're my aesthetic.

   Polaroids, and sugar pills,                                                                                                                                                  Wearing out these tired hills,                                                                                                                                            Feet over window sills -                                                                                                                                                      Cause darling you're my aesthetic.

   I'm inside out of my own thoughts,                                                                                                                                I'm waltzing in these ballroom halls,                                                                                                                            I'm crying out for you to say,                                                                                                                                            "Honey... You're my aesthetic" "

It was Doubt, with my ukulele singing a song Luke wrote called " You're my aesthetic", a song that I helped to write before he died, the last thing that we did together. Why did doubt do this the one night I felt alive? 

"Your happiness isn't real, you made it up to hide the fact that you're scared of what's next, what will happen whilst Tyler is away, what will happen once I disappear, but what you're mostly scared about is the truth of what happened to Luke... you're starting to question it even though you were there when it happened, when he died right next to you in that Taxi Cab." explained Doubt

"I know exactly what happened, I'm not questioning it, I never have AND I NEVER WILL!" I say as I start to raise my voice but as I do I break down into tears, knowing that I still don't know the entire truth.

A/N: Me and my friend Luke (@Luke_isnt_Real) actually wrote 'You're my aesthetic' a couple of days ago, at a sleepover and drove our other friends mad with our singing. Also yes, I did somewhat base Doubt off of my Best Fren cause I'm lazy and can't make up original characters.

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