The question

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As soon as I read the text I immediately know who the 'certain family friend' is and start to panic, he was the guy that caused the 'incident' and caused me to never trust anyone and question my own life. I sprint towards the  bathroom as I know I'll throw up or pass out.

I reach the bathroom and he's there again but this time he hugs me. I immediately brace up, he clearly senses this and stops, when he backs away I ask him a question I've been wanting to ask him for the past six months...
"Who are you, why are you here?"

Time skip
I am now in the car with my mum heading to the 'family friends' house and I can't stop thinking. "Will he have forgotten about the 'incident'?", "does he have regret for what he did to my only friend?" However the thing that is filling my mined is "why did the boy disappear once I asked him the questions?"

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