04 | i g n o r e d.

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/chapter 03 is done I'm just not ready to upload it yet. Maybe tomorrow./
July 1st | 12:13am

I'm going to air out all of my dirty laundry.
Before this-
Seven months ago
I wanted you. I was hoping that everything would work and I think I've always had this dream. That we would've somehow made it worked. And I didn't tell you. I knew that if I did, I would regret it. Maybe that's why I'm pushing you away now-
Certainly not because I'm still in love with you,
But maybe because I'm angry. I'm angry that we tried. I'm angry that I was stupid enough to try every time. I'm angry that it wasn't enough. I'm not angry at you. I'm angry that I spent five years working towards something and it never worked. I'm angry that the only reason we've lasted this long is because we're just friends.
I'm sorry.
I'm just angry.
I'm angry that we ignored all of the signs. We were so stupid. There were so many of them.

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