09 | laugh

18 0 0

August 1st | 1:50am

I hate seafood.
And spicy things.
I also hate repetitive sounds.
Sometimes I hate my bestfriend.
I strongly dislike early mornings.
I don't really enjoy confrontation.
I have a big problem with the big-bang theory.
I mean, where did all of it go?
Where did we exist before our universe did- where did all of that energy go? What is heaven like? Do we just sit in church listening to a sermon all day? Do we all wear white robes and play harps? I mean, the harp part is fine but white isn't really my color and it stains really easily and, if we wear robes, do I have to shave? I have many questions about life and what happens after life and what happened before life and why did god choose this body? Did he just wake up one morning and go "boring features and a shit personality!" Because it seems a lot like that's what happened.
You like it when I ramble.
You like it when I do a lot of things.
He said I talked too much, that I never left enough room for silence.
Neither of us really likes the sound of silence. That's why I sleep with the fan on.
I hate when people snore.
You told me that you were praying that you didn't snore.
You don't snore.
When I was, like, nine, my friends and I wrote little cards and threw them into the fire.
Each card listed what we wanted in a person.
I used to watch a lot of witch based movies.
Things like Practical Magic.
I've never been very practical.
But, nevertheless, we did the "spell."
And somehow, it played out just like the movie.
Except, I yet to have a dead man show up on my doorstep.
Last February, I met a boy with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. I never believed in things like perfection, but I definitely believe in magic-
And it magic exits,
You are the human embodiment of it.
I do not like a lot of things. I am a person so full of hate, but I tend to give my love out like Halloween candy. Turns out you have one hell of a sweet tooth.

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