Chapter 2

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As I stand in the elevator with Mags, I contemplate my tactics for these games. In order to keep the Mockingjay alive, I should probably form many allies. Most of the tributes are in on the plan, but that doesn't mean they will definitely be allies with Katniss. My job: I have to convince Katniss to be allies with me. That won't be easy. The elevator doors open up to the training room and I spot Katniss at the knot tying station attempting to tie a complicated knot. Perfect. I walk up behind her and easily finish the knot she's been struggling on. She gives me a frustrated look as I pick up another rope. While tying it into a noose, I look up into those beautiful eyes of hers. I finish the noose and pretend to hang myself for her amusement. As I walk away, I can hear her giggle. Strangely, this makes me proud. I decide to work on my knife throwing. As I head over to that station, I see that Enobaria is already there. Great. "Hello, Enobaria," I say. "What do you want?" She replies with a note of venom. "Oh nothing, I'm just wondering why you would need to train with knives when you have those teeth." I respond, knowing she regrets getting them sharpened and inlaid in gold. I try hard to keep from laughing out loud when she glares at me and walks away. I move from station to station and tribute to tribute all day, making sure to talk to them all. By the end of the day, I'm exhausted. Upstairs in my room, I start writing the poem I planned on for the interview. It's a love poem, but for no one in particular. I mean, I love Annie and care about her, but I just don't know... I feel like there's someone else out there meant for me. Surely, Annie will find someone else too. Once the poem is about halfway done, I go to sleep. I have some big days ahead of me. Days pass. I wake up, train, talk to tributes, work on the poem, go to sleep, and do it all over again. The night comes when I finish the poem:


My love,

you have my heart for all eternity.

And if I die in that arena,

My last thought

will be of your lips.


I know it's short and simple, but I suck at poetry, so it took me many days to complete this. As soon as I finish reading the last words, I realize who I wrote this poem about. Katniss. This is when I realize I'm not just crushing on a cute girl, I'm in love. So this is what love feels like? I've never really felt it before. Having gone through so many Capitol ladies, I kind of blocked out the feeling of love. Now I know I must get the Mockingjay out alive. Not only for the rebellion, but because I love her.


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