Chapter 11

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Silence. Wiress has stopped singing. Silence is all I hear for a split second before I hear the sound of Katniss pulling back her bowstring. I whip around just as Katniss' arrow finds it's mark: Gloss' head. Next to Gloss is Wiress, the spool of wire clutched in her hand, her eyes blank, and a red slit across her throat. Brutus is running down one of the spokes, a spear in his hand. Cashmere is running up too, but Johanna's axe lodges in her chest and she slumps to the ground, unmoving. Brutus throws his spear towards Peeta, who is facing the other way. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Enobaria running towards me, knife in hand. I raise my trident and hit the spear out of the air, but I'm not able to stop Enobaria before she chucks her knife and it finds purchase across my thigh. I let out a small cry of pain, but I immediately take a deep breath and pull myself together. I must act strong. Boom! Boom! Boom! Three cannons go off. Wiress, Gloss, Cashmere. Brutus and Enobaria duck behind the cornucopia and we all chase after them. They sprint down the nearest spoke to them. We're about to follow when the ground shifts beneath us. Suddenly, the island is spinning. I hear Katniss shriek as we all fall to the ground. I dig my fingers into the rough sand and hold on. I look to my left and see Katniss, dangerously close to the edge of the water. The sand is shifting downward now, towards the water, making it harder to hold on. Katniss slides farther, her feet now in the water. I reach my hand out towards her. She struggles, but reaches her hand up towards mine. Our fingers touch and I'm just about to wrap my hand around hers and pull her up when she slips into the water with a splash. I panic. "Katniss!" I'm about to slide in after her when the island stops spinning. I immediately jump up, but I'm dizzy and I almost fall over again. I catch my footing and walk up to the water line. She still hasn't popped up. I drop my trident and dive into the water without a splash. I wince as the salt water seeps into my cut. Opening my eyes, although it stings to do so, I frantically look around for Katniss. I find her below me, sinking towards the bottom. I make some sort of shrieking noise, but it's muffled by the water. Diving towards her, I extend my arms and wrap them around her. I swim to the surface as fast as I can and throw Katniss onto the sand. Climbing out of the water and onto the sand myself, I see Peeta staring at me. He looks perplexed. I immediately get on my knees next to the sand and put my hand near her mouth and nose. No breath. I can feel my heart beating like crazy. I try to calm myself down, the Capitol citizens can't know I have feelings for her. I bend over and begin to give her CPR, my lips against hers. Her lips are soft and delicate. Fortunately, it only takes once to get her breathing again. Her eyes snap open and she starts gasping for breath. I lean back, relieved that she's alive and breathing. After she regains her normal breathing pace, she takes in her surroundings. "What happened? All I remember is falling into the water." "You started to drown," I say. "I dived in and brought you back up." I smirk. "And I got to give you mouth-to-mouth." She rolls her eyes and I laugh. I get up and help her up. "Thanks..." she mutters. Johanna turns to me and asks "Where's Volts?" Oh, yeah. I kind of forgot there were other people here. I look around and see him in the water, barely keeping afloat. I dive out into the water and swim after him. I grab him and haul him back over to the island. I look up at Katniss just as her eyes widen. She dives into the water and swims toward Wiress. Where did she learn to swim so well? I watch her curiously before I remember the wire. That's why she's swimming towards Wiress. I turn around and look at Beetee. "You okay?" He nods, but he's still snorting out a little water. I sit next to him and watch Katniss. She climbs back onto the island and hands the spool of wire to Beetee. She crosses over to Peeta and wraps her arms around him. I look down, not wanting the cameras to see the jealousy in my eyes. It's just for the cameras, I tell myself. She doesn't really love Peeta. It's all for the cameras. I hope...


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