5) Thoughts on Death

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Dear ****,

Have you ever thought about death?
True, permanent, no-take-backs death.

Well I have.
As a matter of fact, I'm always thinking about it.

Every time I go to fall asleep, I think "What if I don't wake up"
When I'm in a car invasive thoughts of "What if we just crash?" Run through my brain.
As I'm waiting in line at the bank my mind waders to the, "What if a shooter comes in right now?" Case scenarios.

Do you have those thoughts?
Do they scare you?

They don't scare me.
I welcome those thoughts.

I'm full of cowardice when the idea of taking my own life comes along.
But when the threat of my life being taken jumps in my mind, I am comforted.

The bravest coward you know

I've been going through some things, but I hope you enjoyed the double update!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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