Chapter 2 : School

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Oh School...

Wonder what kind of bullshit will happen today....

And as if on cue, A group of stuck up, preppy girls walked right up to You.

"Oh, Look who we have here! It's (Name)~" The Leader of the Group, Meril, sorta inspected you but you really weren't up for taking in bullshit, so you kept on walking.

"Don't you walk while I talk to you, dipshit" Meril stepped infront of you as well as two other girls "Just who do you think you are?!"

You covered your mouth with your black scarf, deciding not to say anything.

"I bet she thinks she's her own person after Mr. Sherwood stopped us last time" One of The two other girls said, this one was taller than the other girl. You really didn't give a shit about remembering their names.

"Is that so..? Well it's better to put you in your place, shitface" Meril stepped up to you and forcefully grabbed you by the scarf. She was taller than you were, which was just intimidating to your broken self.

"Put her in her place, Meril~! I want to see her break again~!" The shorter one, about your size, giggled happily as she watched the action.


"Listen up, you piece of shit. Don't think you have any rights here, not in this territory. Once you step foot on this place, you fall under OUR rules. You don't get to fucking choose, bitch. I'll make sure to include your parents this time, ugly" Meril threw you onto the ground once she finished, wiping her hand on the wall.

You hit the cold, tile floor, hurting your head, Your headache from just hearing Meril's words increased. You slowly sat up, looking down attempting to cover up the tears that threatened to fall. Meril scoffed at you and left along with her friends, they giggled and laughed about what they did. You could feel your anger boiling up as some tears fell onto the floor.

"Everyday with this fucking bullshit" You angrily muttered, balling your hands into a fist. You slowly stood up and proceeded to class, sniffling.

The whole day turned out the same. Meril told her friend, Jason about what had happened and he too, wanted some action. His group of friends threw you to the ground and gave you warnings, one of them even spit on you. Disgusting. After they left you went to the bathroom and removed the spit with water and soap. As you made your way to each class, the other students kept whispering, you could hear one of them say your name.

This went on til the end of the school day, once the school dismissed the students you ran as quickly as you could, happy to be out. After you were a far away from the school, your happy parade ended...

..What am I happy about?

You were gonna go back to school next week anyway plus you had to deal with your bullshit family. You entered your house and the first thing you did was go to the kitchen and stuff a container with some sandwichs you made last night and placed it in your bookbag, luckily your mom wasn't in the kitchen. You quietly creeped passed the living room til your mother called you.

"(Name)!!" She yelled, You started to walk into the living room, spotting your Mother on the couch with beer bottles surrounding her, she was watching who knows what. As soon as your mother heard you approach she stopped you.

"Stop, I don't wanna see your shitface (Name). You're gonna stay in your room today while your father, brother, and I go to Midevil times. So no food today" You could hear abit of angry in her voice.

Probably from this morning You quietly thought before being interrupted.

"Go. Now. Before I get belt" She threatened. You scrammed into your room, locking your door. You pulled out the sandwiches and started to eat them.

No food, my Ass Mom

Once you had finished, You turned on your computer and started to play your favorite game, UNDERTALE. It was one of the only games you played that you liked. You had the choice between Sparing and Killing everyone in which you always chosen to spare. You didn't really believe in fighting, so You rathered decided to be more of a Smartass. You kept playing til the ending, watching as everyone admired the surface.

Nothing great about the surface, pals

As you continued to watch, You started to feel jealousy. All the monsters cared and believed Frisk had saved them from imprisonment.

"Pfft Yeah right. Why does Frisk get all the attention? They're just a hollow being, They never made any choices.....WE made the choices...I made the choices and what do I get? Nothing. Do I get credit for saving everyone? No! The last choice Frisk made was falling into Mt. Ebott. I mean we even chose their gender, THEIR GENDER. Every Reset, Every AU, Frisk gets all the love and attention.........I want something.." You could feel tears stain your face as they dropped ontop of your computer.

"I don't want this life anymore..." You lowered your head onto your arms and kept crying. You felt broken, You were broken and nothing could change it.....or maybe...

You fell asleep on your running computer, muttering about how unfair it was that Frisk got all the care and love.

(Name)....It's time to come home now..

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