Chapter 6: A New World

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You slowly opened your eyes, finding yourself on a patch of something thin and soft. Everything slowly came into focus as the soft thin objects revealed themselves to be Golden Flowers. You took a glance at your surroundings...It was pitch black except for the light that shined up ahead, revealing an entrance that lead further into this place.

It was the start of the game, The start of Undertale. You slowly got up with no pain. Well, why would you? You didn't actually fall down just appeared. You took a deep breath...

Okay, Get Ready...Flowey should be beyond that door. Get ready for some injuries...or not

It wasn't like you had to actual let the bullets hit you. You started to walk down the pathway, not really sure if you were ready to handle any kind of contact or pain. You had just been in a dark, water-like void and with all that had happened, You weren't exactly mentally prepared. You stopped at the entrance, breathing heavy. You took a moment to settle yourself down...and then you walked through the entrance.

Ahead you could see a small path of green grass with a Golden flower in the middle. It had a bright smile at the center as it watched you come closer.....Great.

Sigh, I didn't agree to meet with a little shit...

You continued until You were a foot apart from the flower. It looked up at you with a smile.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey The Flower!"

Couldn't You Come Up With A Better Name? Jerry Has An Even More Creative Name Than You Do ...

You let out a quiet sigh as you looked down at Flowey.

"You're new to the underground aren't ya? Golly, You must be So confused"

Flowey took a look at You, silently thinking to himself,
"This isn't Frisk...Why isn't Frisk here..?!"

"Someone ought to teach ya how things work around here. Guess lil ol' me will have to do" Flowey gave a playful wink. You tugged a bit at your Simple Pale (Color) dress anxiously as You continued to listen to The Flower's banter.


You had entered a FIGHT. The area turned black and surrounding you was white lines that formed a big white rectangle, it looked like a black soccer field except there wasn't any other lines than the rectangle. Your Soul flickered i to existence infront of You. It was a small speck with an invisible black circle surrounding it. Flowey looked at your soul before looking away for a moment. He looked back at you with abit of a crooked smile, The Theme, Your Best Friend, had started to play at a mild volume.

"You see that heart? That's your SOUL, The very curriculum of your being.
It starts out weak but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV"

Flowey said with a little laugh

"What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course! You want some LOVE, don't you? Don't worry, I'll share some with you!"

He gave a little wink, making you internally groan. You thought for a minute, Should you let him hit you and act like you've never seen this world before? Droplets of condensation fell from the ceiling, echoing through the cave walls. It seemed pretty lonely to be here.

*You were gonna make it clear that this was not your first time seeing this.
*You decided to act oblivious as if you had fallen here by accident

What seemed to be some kind of white pellet or seed surrounded Flowey as he smiled at you

"Down here, LOVE is shared through... little white... "friendliness pellets." Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!"

*You decided to dodge the incoming pellets, Your hair covering your eyes for a moment
*You let the pellets hit you, leaning on one leg


"You idiot! In this world, it's kill or BE killed. Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this!?"

Laughter echoed through the cave as You looked down at yourself....You were injured with purple bruises and cuts to your skin. You looked up at the flower who beared a devilish grin. His eyes black with white dots as pupils, a smile bearing two sharp teeth, a void of a mouth. His white "friendliness" pellets surrounded the battle area...with one word...they closed in


The pellets slowly closed in. You bent down, crossing your arms in front of your face as You shaked abit.

Come on...You should be coming right about....-

The pellets closed in....and healed you.

You could see a white flame flickering into existence next to Flowey. His eyes looked over as the flame as it hurled itself toward him. It burned, You could tell. A side of him charred anit as he dug back into the ground, a tall goat monster walked over from the shadows to you. It looked like an old lady, wearing a purple robe with the white Delta Rune in the center of it. You looked up

There you are

It was her....The Goat Mom of Everyone....

"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth...Ah, do not be afraid, my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins..."

Toriel looked at you with gentle eyes. She seemed as if she tried her best not to frighten you....although you already knew

"I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down

You are the first human to come here in a long time..."

You stood up carefully as you looked up at her, She was abit taller than what you expected but she was a monster after all. She smiled as you stood up all by yourself.

"Come! I will guide you through the catacombs"

She gestured for you to follow her as she started walking toward the entrance...The Entrance to The Ruins.

"This Way!"

You walked behind her

..Now your adventure can truly begin..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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