Chapter 5 : Recreation

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You thought for a moment

"Where.....exactly are we...?" You couldn't help but wonder. It would seem weird if You were inside The Void but it would be logical.

"Hmm....I guess we'd be at the core of The Multiverse..? There hasn't been a light of creation here,  so I'm not sure.....The only light that has ever entered.....was You, (Name)"

"So.....I'm a Small piece of Creation...?" You tried to piece everything together.  The taint of Negativity blocked out your previous memories of your original life or at least that's what you thought. You felt more of The Void's shifting, It had nodded.

"Yep, Even a small speck like you can create things" You widened your eyes, taken back by the sentence. Your mind had been opened.

"Wait I can create things..?? That's a possibility??" You felt a great ball of mixed emotion inside you. Were you happy? Confused? Anxious? You couldn't tell but it made you a bit excited.

"Yep, You're not human remember? You as a piece of that core have the ability to create. It's....sort've weird having to explain this..."

You could feel abit of uneasiness in the darkness, you smiled trying to comfort its nervousness. "I know....I'm sorry for it..." You said with a genuine tone. It would sorta be like explain the work to your boss or explaining art to an experienced artist, it wasn't really something to be comfortable with.

"It's ok, it was my fault...I hope you can forgive me, My little Speck"
You felt a little weird being called "My little Speck" but You went with it, replying "Bringing me back was your act of forgiveness, so I forgive you". You looked at your hands with a bit of amazement, You wanted to try out your creation ability.

"How do I create things..?" It was a dumb question to ask from someone who was suppose to be knowledgable about it but you couldn't recall any memories of it.

"Well, I'm not really sure about how The Multiverse creates something. I think all it does is think about what it wants and poof, Creation.......That's just how I see it" You nodded, Of course, That's how everyone would see something.....but it might not be that easy... You gave out a sigh as You closed your eyes. The First random thing that popped in your mind was Kindness, what followed Kindness was Mercy and what followed Mercy was the game UNDERTALE. You noticed a flash of light as you opened your eyes, The Void had opened a window......Within that window, of course, had surprised you....

......It was UNDERTALE....

You were so shocked, bringing a chill to your spine. You felt like you made it through a hard maze, it felt so amazeing. You floated closer to the window, smiling so brightly.

"You created a universe...That's really amazing!" Exactly.

But....That's when your anxiety and depression kicked in. You floated back, many thoughts filled your mind. This isn't a game, What if Frisk is there? What if Sans sees you as a genocidal killer? What if you fucked the timeline up? What if you die? All and many more thoughts passed through your head before halting to a stop, You looked back, feeling something touch your shoulder.

"(Name), Is this what you wished for?" You slowly nodded, giving a small smile. It had second thoughts...

The Void cleared its 'throat', "Congratulations (Name), You made a universe and also supported my theory! I haven't felt this happy about something since I first met you" You smiled, The Void was really nice and sweet. You remembered what it told you before "There hasn't been a light of creation here,  so I'm not sure.....The only light that has ever entered.....was You, (Name)" It must've been so lonely, no one to talk with, nothing to see.....You couldn't help but feel sad for it. You both were alike, all alone but you had made a friend.

The Void shifted abit, You couldn't tell what it did. "(Name) Is there something you want to wish for..?" You nodded and pointed to the window.

"Alright (Name). You got to promise to come home after your journey is done.....ok? I don't want you to leave me for so long again..."

You nodded, opening your arms. You felt something rush into your arms, hugging you tightly. You hugged back, tears started to fall down your cheeks into the nothingness.


You unhugged your friend and wiped the tears off, smiling at them. The area slowly started to shine brightly, blinding you.

Here I come....

The world turned black.

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