Chapter 15 - All Bets Are On

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"Roll them," Ace said, handing me a pair of dice.

"What for?" I asked.

"Where we boost has gotta be random."

I dropped the dice onto the kitchen floor of the trailer at the center of where we all stood.

"Alright! Eight," Eyeball called. "Lewiston."

"What's so great about Lewiston?" Vince scoffed.

Ace stifled a laugh. "The cute redhead," he said before taking a swig from his bottle.

"Oh yeah! I got her number," Vince said.

"So what? I got her address," Eyeball smiled.

"You stay the fuck away," Vince pointed at him.

"You can't make me," Eyeball sneered. "Besides, she don't even like you. She gave you her number just to be nice."

Vince clenched his fists and walked staunchly, right up to Eyeball.

"Cool it you two," Ace said smoothly. "I'm surprised a doll like that is interested in either one of you boneheads. Now, listen up. I'm driving you out tonight. I'll drop you two in Auburn, and then me and Cass will go on into Lewiston. And stay on your side of the bridge," he said, firmly.

Eyeball sighed, his disappointment obvious.

"What happened to Carol?" I asked him.

"Nothin'," he shrugged like that was a dumb question.

"We'll take my car," Ace said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Vince asked.

"Don't fucking question me. Now, let's go – move it."

"Shotgun!" yelled Eyeball, tossing his empty bottle in the trash before diving out the door, past Vince.

Vince hurriedly downed the last of his drink before darting outside to challenge Eyeball for the front-seat position.

"Fucking dumb sons-of-bitches." Ace took the last swig of his beer and swung the empty bottle into the trashcan with a loud smash of glass.

"Why was Vince worried about taking your car?"

"Don't you question me either. Now, let's do this."

Eyeball sat smugly in the front seat of Ace's '49 while Vince pouted in the back. I had to laugh. It was always funny watching them try to outdo each other. I jumped over the side, into the back seat next to Vince, and he rolled his eyes and muttered to himself.

Ace took the wheel, and we started out to Lewiston. It's roughly an hour's drive south of Castle Rock, but for those with a lead foot (like him), it's closer to half an hour.

"Hey," Vince said, leaning in close to my ear. "I meant what I said about putting money on you fucking up tonight."

"What?" I gaped at him. "Piss off."

"Ten bucks says you can't get a car back to the garage without something going wrong."

I looked to Ace to see if he heard Vince giving me a hard time again, but he kept on driving. The hum of the V8 and the rush of the wind seemed to help keep our conversation discreet.

"I'm amazed you've got anything left to bet with after I kicked your ass at pool the other night," I said.

"OK – let's make it twenty."

I thought about it for a moment. "Alright, Vince – you wanna bet on this? Let's make it real. One hundred dollars. And... the loser has to kiss the winner's feet," I smiled.

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