Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Not BBC, Johnny Capps, Julian Murphy. Merthur, reveal fic, soulmate AU.


Chapter 1


It took Merlin a while to understand Soulpoetries.

Being an innocent and carefree boy that he was, it took him several years to realize that not everyone had a beautiful inscription that said 'two sides' on their sternum. It was some time when he put together the fact that his own mother didn't have the exact writings on her chest, nor did he have a messy yet somehow intricate carving that said 'dragons'  just a little beneath his collarbone like his mother.

When he asked his mother about it, she smiled at him softly and caressed his temple. "It's what will lead you to your other half."

Merlin, a five years old lanky boy, could only smile dreamily at such abstract concept. His smile fell when he failed to understand it. "What does it mean?"

Hunith chuckled at her son's antics. "You'll understand one day."


Arthur had no one to teach him about Soulpoetries.

Being the sole heir to the throne and the most doted person in the whole of Camelot, it was rather surprising that he was short of resources regarding the knowledge of the said phenomenon. No one seemed to be brave enough to tell him what does the 'of the same coin' scrawls on the base of his right hand's fingers mean, they all cowered back and averted their eyes, saying it wasn't their place to speak every time he brought the question up.

Which he found annoying. He was the Prince, and these people dared deny him.

One day he decided he had enough and that he would set out to find the truth himself. He went to the man he thought wisest in the whole court. Gaius, the Court Physician.

"Gaius, what does it mean?" Arthur demanded. He had barged in into the old physician's chamber without knocking, not that the latter hadn't gotten used to the Prince's arrogant and inconsiderate behavior, and took his fist out at Gaius to show the four words inscribed at the base of his index, middle, ring, and little finger.

"It's the Soulpoetry, sire," Gaius said, pretending to inspect Arthur's hand when he actually recognized the phenomenon the moment he set his eyes on it.

Arthur pulled back his arm and folded it boyishly in front of him. "What is it?"

Gaius only smiled, a slight pull on one end of his lips. It was about time the boy would start to go to desperate measures, demanding what his Soulpoetry meant. Children usually learned about Soulpoetries from people who brought them up. Gaius himself learned it from his mother. Arthur didn't have a mother, it was difficult to picture Uther actually explaining Arthur what do Soulpoetries mean, and he imagined all the people at court had said that it was not appropriate that they talk with the sole heir to the throne of Camelot regarding such a delicate matter.

"No one knew how it was made, but to my knowledge, if years of reading different resources had served me a purpose–"

"No, I mean, what is it? If I want a lengthy explanation I would've gone to the royal library myself," Arthur cut, frowning in an annoyed fashion.

Gaius looked at the seven years old blonde-haired boy before expelling a quiet sigh. He had turned to reach the steep staircase to his upper bookshelves, and was about to climb it to reach one of the books he thought would help, when the Prince cut him. He had taken care of Arthur even since before the boy could walk, and he loved him dearly, but really, there was no telling how rude the Prince could be if he had set eyes on something.

"It is something that will lead you to the person who will complete you, sire," Gaius said, turning back to face Arthur, hands behind his back as he stood in a respectful fashion. "The person will complete you just like their Soulpoetry will complete yours."

Arthur, in contrast, was scrunching his nose as Gaius explained, looking more and more like he had swallowed horse dung whole. "What does it even– someone to complete me?"

Gaius didn't even bother to hide his amused smile this time.


Merlin was nine when he last asked about his mother's Soulpoetry.

Hunith only smiled, but unlike other times, there were tears in her eyes. "He was like the dragons, Merlin. Hunted and dangerous, but people don't know that he was the wisest person I've ever met, and that our souls are one."

Merlin was surprised to see his mother's reaction. Normally she would just playfully avoid his questions, making him more curious. He was just about to reach her and comfort her when Hunith turned her back at him and brought up her hands to haphazardly wipe her tears. Before he knew it, though, his mother had already turned back at him, a soft smile etched on her lips.

"What do you want for tomorrow's breakfast?"

Merlin never ask about it again.


Arthur was thirteen when he started to understand about what Soulpoetries really meant.

Ever since his visit to Gaius all those years ago, he had learned a thing or two about Soulpoetries. He knew that it was supposed to be distinctive and unique, and that its penmanship, color, shape and style, and even the part of the body where it's etched was indicative of the person's personality. Each person's Soulpoetries described the very essence of their souls, and that was why soulmates will have their Soulpoetries complement each other. Their souls were made to hinge perfectly.

(Of course he didn't come across this knowledge easily. It took the life of him to muster his most neutral all matter-of-factly expression and ask Gaius about Soulpoetries, but he figured he'd rather ask Gaius directly than having to peruse the royal library by himself.)

And so it was one evening that he heard the unmistakable clop of horse shoes against the paved entrance and actually bothered to look out his window that he saw a beautiful young maiden arriving at Camelot.

Arthur had seen many beautiful ladies, being the Prince and all, but he had never let his eyebrows rise this high at such a sight.

The girl took off her cloak and revealed her beautiful dark hair that came to her shoulder blades and her piercing blue eyes. She seemed to have gone through some fight though. The green dress underneath her cloak was spattered with dirt and was tattered on the edges, there was a large bruise on her left cheek, her hair looked like she had been dragged through mud at some point, and she wobbled when she dismounted her horse, although, seeing that she quickly regained her posture when she touched the ground, Arthur knew instantly this young lady was a fighter.

Later that night, Arthur was summoned to dine with his father– a very uncommon request.

Arthur was hungrily eyeing the turkey, the matter of beautiful ladies evaporated from his mind the moment he laid eyes on the long table in front of him, when the double doors opened, admitting the brunette from earlier.

If Arthur found the lady beautiful in tattered dress and battle wounds, she was definitely beautiful now with her hair braided elegantly and her simple periwinkle dress flowing ethereally against the slightest movement of the air.

"Arthur, this is Lady Morgana, the daughter of my late beloved friend Gorlois. Morgana, this is my son, Arthur."

If he found the prospect of someone completing him so ridiculous then, he didn't find it so now.


A/N: Alright, that's the first chapter! Also, please don't kill me, I cringed too having to write Arthur being attracted to Morgana, but I'm trying to follow the canon as much as possible here. So, what do you guys think? I already have up until the fourth chapter typed, from a total of seven chapters. Should I continue it? Reviews and constructive criticism are all welcomed! :D

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