CH 2

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-Taehyung POV

I saw Yeori coming out  of a room, wearing her home clothes.I blushed a little remembering the day when i met her at the orphanage playground.
She looked at me and saw that i was still seated here at my seat. She smiled at me and then headed out of the cafe.

Ahem:some intro about me:
I am a werewolf, i met Yeori when i was 18,but werewolves grow faster than humans so now i am 180 years old but in human age, i am 18. I met Yeori 13 years ago,on that day and left her as my parents wanted to move to the Forest area.I came back because i wanted to look for her. (*blushes)But i didn't want to reveal my identity yet.

I kind of followed her back to the house so i can know where she lives. But it turned out she lived two houses away from my house,  and I was kind of happy that i could see her everyday from now, we should be walking the same way back home.

When i got back home, i saw my 6 brothers, some lying on the couch playing video games and some drinking wine."Hi little brother! "Jimin hyung greeted me smiling. I then asked him to come to my room and i told him" I found her." Jimin looked kind of confused. "You found who?" he asked"I found her, the girl i met at the orphanage."His eyes widened "You mean the one that you marked without knowing?" he exclaimed "Shh not so loud!" I whispered. I only told Jimin hyung because our age gap is the closest, but the others doesn't know yet. Werewolves mark their mates/Partners it is a sign of 'liking'.

The first time i saw Yeori, sitting on a swing, she was looking at the other children play, the other children looked at her and rolled their eyes. She looked to the ground, tears beginning to drop. She took out a handkerchief to wipe it away. A few days later, i mustered my courage to go and ask her will you be my friend?

It was getting late and the moon rised up, my brothers were already in bed as we howled for the whole night yesterday. All these thoughts keep lingering in my mind, till the next morning...


-Yeori POV

I woke up getting ready to go to school, yesterday was Sunday and today i had to go to back to school. I met Seomin on the way and she greeted me with a big smile."Good morning Yeori! "she exclaimed." "Morning!"i said back. We walked to school together. We got to class and saw a group of girls squealing while looking at their phones. Seomin asked "What's the commotion?"
"A handsome guy is going to be transferred to our class! "one of them exclaimed." And some people says that he is soooooooo HOT!! "said another.

What's so exciting about that? I thought to myself

The bell rang and it was time for lessons to start. Ms Jung, our English teacher, entered the class room. She put down her books and her handbag and said "There​ will be a new student in class, student, Kim Taehyung, please come in." I wasn't really paying attention with what the teacher was saying, i looked up and saw Kim Taehyung, the popsicle theif(lol)."Y-you... " I mumbled in disbelief. He stood there beside Ms Jung and said"Hello, nice too meet you, my name is Kim Taehyung." and then he smiled brightly, and of course all the girls was busy squealing. I was staring at him and he happened to look at me at his eyes widened. He blinked and stared at me again. The teacher somehow broke the weird staring contest and said "Taehyung, you can seat beside Yeori, Yeori raise your hands!" she said. All the girls was glaring at me(except Seomin ofc) I had no choice but to raise my hands and he came walking towards me. "Hi" he whispered to me. I looked at him and smiled awkwardly and looked back at the white board.

During the whole lesson,i was glancing at him and he was glancing at me. At this moment we glanced at each other at the same time and our eyes met. We looked​ away and pretend that we were listening to the lesson.

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