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A/N: Back to my POV!


"Seto? Did you need to see me?" I asked as I got inside.

"No. Why?" he replied. Then, I heard Jerome yelling. I walked outside and Seto joined me.

"...What do you two do? Oh, hold on, excuse me for that. What did you two do?" Jerome shouted.

"Did?" Ty muttered, shocked.

"Yeah, she isn't allowed to talk to you anymore," Jerome answered and turned around.

"What?" I shouted at Jerome. Ty was my friend and always will be. Plus, he helps Seto explain things to me. Ty took a step forward.

"Kayla, you don't need to-"

"Don't tell her what to do!" Jerome shouted, swinging his arm at Ty. He was about to hit Ty, but everything froze. Time stood still. Ty opened his eyes and sighed.

"Seto, you didn't need to do that," Ty said, crossing his arms.

"Yes, I did. You would've healed right away," Seto retorted.

"You could've went inside during the punch."

"But Kayla wouldn't have and she can heal you," Seto reply, readjusting Jerome's arm.

"I'm c-confused," I stuttered. Seto looked at me and stopped 'fixing' Jerome.

"Once I unfreeze time and go inside, I'll explain it to you. As for you, Ty, I'll explain what you're wondering," Seto answered, " Ty move to the right just a little; Kayla, stay right there. Act as if this didn't happen." We did as we were told. Seto went back to where he was standing and snapped his fingers. Jerome swung and missed Ty by an inch, but Jerome kicked Ty in the shin.

"Ty, follow me," Seto said, helping Ty inside. I turned around, but Jerome grabbed my shoulder.

"Sit. Down." I sat down in the grass and Jerome did too. He sighed. "Ty wouldn't tell me. Why did you go to the park?"

"We wanted fresh air."

"Well, okay then. Kayla, you know you shouldn't go somewhere with out me okaying it," Jerome huffed.

"Mitch did though."

"Well, what he sees and what I see is totally different. He buys Ty's act. I don't," Jerome explained. Act? Is he talking about Ty being an angel?


"Come on, Kayla. I'm not stupid. Ty is your boyfriend," Jerome stated. I was taken back by this. Ty, my boyfriend? No.

"No he's not!" I replied.

"Explain the hand-holding, checking on him frequently, or maybe the date to the park."

"Date? It wasn't a date! I check on him because I don't want to talk to people who snuggle and kiss all of the time!"

"Then why do you go talk to Ty?"

"Are you implying that we have kissed and snuggled?"

"Yeah," Jerome said, crossing his arms, "You never answered my first question."

"We don't!" I yelled as I stood up, "And if we were dating, I wouldn't let you take over the relationship!" I stormed into our house. Mitch bumped into me.

"Whoa, sorry Biggums," he said. I stopped and stared at him.

"You need to control your bacca," I said, running to my room. I locked my door and sat on my bed. Three question ran through my head:

1) Who does Jerome think he is?

2) Why were Ty and I holding hands?

3) Why am I so upset about this?

I just sat there, thinking, then someone nocked on my door.

"Go away!" I yelled.

"It's me, Seto."

"Go away!" I yelled again. Seto sighed and teleported in my room. "I don't want to talk to anyone."

"Listen, I know Jerome thinks that you're dating Ty, but everyone else knows your not," he said, calmly.

"I know, but who does he-"

"He thinks he's your brother. Which he is. Jerome's just trying to protect you. Go and talk to him."

"Fine," I said, unlocking the door.

"Kayla," Seto called. I turned to him. "Don't yell and after you talk, come see me." I nodded and heded downstairs. Jerome was on the couch, crying?

"Jerome?" I called. He looked over at me.

"I'm sorry. I know you're just trying to protect me, but-"

"But I shouldn't b-boss you a-around," Jerome muttered. I sat next to him.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"M-Mitch isn't happy w-with me," he sobbed. I patted him on the back.


"W-well, when you left t-to go to the p-park, we played t-truth or dare," he stuttered, "Adam asked me how many g-girls I have k-kissed." I nodded to show I was listening. "I t-told them I've had about ten. M-Mitch was upset with me b-because of how many girls I've k-kissed. Then he was m-mad that I yelled at you."

"Don't worry about it, Biggums. I'm sure that he will calm down and you'll have your Benja back," I said. He hugged me.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking down.

"It's okay," I answered, "So where's Mitch?"

"Adam and him went to the store."

"Well, alright. Seto wanted to talk to me so I have to go." Jerome nodded. I walked upstairs and into Seto's room. Ty was laying on his bed. I sat next to him, but he moved across the room. "Jerome isn't mad anymore, Ty."

"I know. Seto told me."

"Alright so Kayla, I'm going to teach you some potion recipes," Seto smiled, "Ty will make sure no one comes in here."

"So, nobody knows about the sorcerery?"

"No, well, Adam does, but he only knows what I am."


Chapter six is done! MISSDABEST OUT!

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